

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我写一篇介绍中国长城的英语作文]The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.In fact, it's more than 6700 kilometres long across the nort...+阅读

I used to be a English tutor many years ago. I have a lot of experience be doing a English tutor, such as how to help students develop their English skills which includes oral speaking, writting and listening, and be interesting in English. Hence, most of parents are satisfied with my teaching; they gave me highly praise. Working hard and be a responsible tutor is my advantage; I also like to express my idea and share with students. By the way, I'm very patient to my students and easily communicate with them. Overall, English tutor is my part-time job, but it has changed me a lot. I believe that this job fits me if you give me a chance..


应届毕业护士应聘时的自我介绍麻烦哪位好人给我写篇吧谢谢急尊敬的各位考官您们好: 今天能够顺利通过笔试站在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到非常的荣幸。对这次机会也是倍加珍惜,希望通过这次面试能够把最好的自己展示...


谁给我写一篇关于汽车的毕业论文浅论汽车模具制造及其应用 摘要:模具是制约汽车开发与生产的瓶颈,新型快速模具不但能显著缩短制作周期、降低成本,还能提高制件的品质与生产效率,其中最适合汽车研发的是硅橡胶...


请高人帮我写一篇考研英语复试自我介绍Self-introduction(2009.3.10) Good morning teachers, It's really agreat honor to introduce myself to all of you here. My name is ***, **years old. I come from **...


你给我写一篇风景优美的地方的作文风景优美的地方 我去过厦门,那里风景优美,物产丰富,是个可爱的地方,也是观光旅游的好去处,但最有纪念意又的要数五里山炮台。 五里山炮台,临近大海,风光秀丽,炮台四周绿树成阴,鲜花朵...

有哪为朋友给我写一段介绍家庭的英语Family Since the day I was born, I have enjoyed story-telling. My first memories are of my father spinning me tales, as I nodded off. Every night I traveled bac...

写一篇关于介绍自己家乡情况的英语作文要求1地理位置和气候2了My hometown in Quanzhou, where the pleasant climate, is a tourist destination.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road startin...
