

02月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2014届毕业典礼邀请函]尊敬的毕业生家长: 您好! 春华秋实、寒暑四载,转眼间,您的孩子在家庭、学校的共同培养教育下,通过自己不懈的努力已顺利完成了学业,还有XXX名同学顺利考取了研究生,有的还获得优秀...+阅读


Dear teachers and schoolmates, Good morning!It is a great honor for me to deliver a graduation speech on behalf of my classmates. First of all, we should thank our parents for their sincere love for us. Whenever we are upset, they always encourage us. Besides, we should be grateful to our teachers for their help in our school life. Not only do they teach us knowledge, but also they help us shape our character. And we will also give our heartfelt thanks to our classmates for their friendship. Over the past three years, we've made great progress in every aspect. Now, we've grown up both physically and mentally. Please believe us! We are ready to develop our overall abilities to serve our motherland. We are sure to be your pride, my dear school. That's all. Thank you!





These has been an unforgetable three years of our lives. Looking back on the first day that we came to the school, it is so vivid which feels like it just happened. Now we at the point to be apart from one another, I understand we are here to celebrate the graduation for our achievements here, however I can't help to feel sad at the same time because many of us will have very little of chances to see each other anymore, we will no longer have our great teachers there to lecture us about life and other things anymore. Nevertheless, I congrate all of us to have successfully graduated from this school and wish all of us to have better journeys in the future.


Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways. But the most common way is to have fun by drinking, singing and dancing. On the birthday, one usually receives nice gifts and good wishes from friends and parents. Sometimes, parents will prepare a special dinner or a cake to show their love for their children. Since birthday celebration is one of the important activities in one's life. It can be done in more meaningful ways. For example, we can buy some flowers or cook a delicious meal for our mothers on that day. In this way, we express thanks to our parents in return for their love....


hello!Mrs ***. I'm lin.Recently I think of state is very bad.Since always, my English scores were not good.Especially after the exam,I feel special depressed.Therefore, I am determined to improve my English grades.Carefully read my papers, I find errors most is the hearing problem.But I don't have any study plan.Can you give me some Suggestions?Especially to How to improve listening and speaking advice? Thank you! Grade *class * lin lin lin


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