

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语简历怎么写]我写了一篇, 你参考下 Rongjiao Hu(介绍自己) Campus address:Roo,-116,Dormitory 4,College of Science and Technology of HUT,zhuzhou,(412000)Hunan,China. Personal Telep...+阅读


在 简历 的制作过程中,英文简历与中文简历在表现上还是有些许不同的。英文简历更带有个人特色和风格,形式上也更加多样化。一份好的英文简历,能够展现求职者的个人特点和能力水平,从而受到HR的青睐。那么,英文简历该怎么写,又有哪些制作要领和原则呢?乔布小编和你一起来学习。










Organized by the Institute in 2007-2008 academic year, "auto detection and repair techniques," professional skills competition, won a Class Two award. Was "outstanding student cadres" third. Mid-level vehicle maintenance technicians A class of English Oral English Intermediate Computer Operator 4 (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.) Photo Shop computer software, such as the general operation...



Educational status


People's Liberation Army ,Air Defense Forces command college

Computer Science



Henan Institute of Finance and Economics

Computer Science

Junior college

Performance in the University

Always won the scholarship during my college time

study assiduously


have better English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability and Chinese writing ability

operate data-base expertly know well of digital circuit,analogous circuit and design and production of machine drawing

skilled use office, picture processing, web authoring software

familiar with C / C + + and Java languages

a specialized study of economic and lawpsychology


honesty and trustworthiness,reliable

have a strong sense of responsibility ahd team spirit

accept new things quickly


A, main work contents:Employee of go into a job and turn just, adjust a Gang and the procedure promote, leaving office to carry out, personal interview reception, arrangement training, test frequently statistics gather and inspect everyday, the maintenance and management of office equipment and hardware facilities, completion the company hand over to do of other affairs, and work out a problem in time. Two, main work contents:Each direct and performance of regulation system, plan purchase, each section office equipment of the company annual convention, meeting arrangement(prepare, will be medium to record to want before the meeting, meeting behind tidy up), office equipment to get to use, the clerk draft, establishment employee's file, carry out employee file backup procedure, once participated in an agency to protect of carry out, reception the guest, calculator print to copy receiving and dispatching of scanning, quick piece and fax and deliver. Three 1:Masterly control offices, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Photoshop...etc. to transact software 2:The occupation training obtains an occupation technique certificate after the calculator 《the deluxe text Mi transacts system 》 3:The well-trained use duplicator, printer and facsimile machine, scanner and tax controls machine Four, my personality is bright, is sincere, optimism actively and upward and more have affinity and work careful, earnest, dependably be willing to do, the orientation ability is strong, be engaged in administration the work acquaint with a workflow for two years, there is certain communication ability moderating with the organization ability, the execution is strong, to be competent the work to have much of confidence Five, masterly control English everyday basic terminology


学生的简历怎么写毕业生书写简历一般分为三个步骤: 一、在校或在职好时的成绩和表现。在自己以往的工作中,自己的成绩和贡献应该详细的进行描述,空洞的语言是乏力的,具体的实例才能说明自己能力...

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大学生简历怎么写简历里应该包含哪些内容? 说起来,就是两点: 一,自己适合这个职位 二,证明“一” 所以我们来看,下面内容是很有用很必要的哦 A、基本的个人信息: 姓名 性别 年龄(或出生年月) 学历 联...

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大学生缺乏工作经验怎么写简历展开全部 1、针对性的写简历。 你的简历不要只有一份。一份简历包含的内容很多,而你心仪的职位相信也不只一个。如果你投什么职位都用一份相同的简历的话,你的吸引力就会急剧...

应届大学生的简历要怎么写应届大学生的简历要怎么写,大专应届毕业简历怎么写:大学生就业指导 --如何写求职简历 贾岩岩0903111102 制作简历的核心技巧 精 心 : 可能需要你花上较多的时间! 不是简单地提笔...
