

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com






My favourite magazine is called " FalkLands". I'm a university student who has been in love with history (especially ancient history) for years, and when I discovered this magazine, I was in heaven. It's a weekly magazine. Since I began reading it two years ago, I never missed a single issue. It's a comprehensive magazine published in the U.S. it has been translated into several versions. I prefer to read the original version. It owns millions of readers around the world. Everything is covered in it, just like an encyclopedia; colonial America, ancient Egypt, you name it, it's probably in here. The photography is breathtaking, and the information is superb. I've spent more than one night up late, just reading through everything. It's quite a good magazine - though I'm just speaking from my own perspective. It might not be entirely accurate, but I'm not complaining. It enlarges my general knowledge and broadens my horizon. I enjoy the feeling of curling up in the sofa with a magazine. Although surfing the Internet is the faster way to get information, you cannot feel the sense of touching paper. Trust me. Is it a magazine for pretty much everyone! Go and get it if you like any bit of history, Egyptian or Mayan or American. 你筛选一下好了

英语演讲稿题目为我最喜欢的杂志在3 4分钟说完中文英文都写

I like a book of "Detective Conan." I know it it was in the bookstore. Nothing better, I come up with a random shelf. A look at, but was attracted by the story fascinating, and they are not put it down together. "Detective Conan" the hero is a savior of Conan called the police, his reasoning ability genius amazing brilliant again the modus operandi of criminals all escape Conan's eyes, one after another bizarre case, can be readily solved the book's plot as if I introduce a mysterious but fascinating world. I am surprised there is the most stimulating is the "haunted house event," I was in bed that night looking at the book, but read the "sudden," Wu Wuwu ... ... "burst of low-chirping of the corridor from the dark and drifting, It seems the voices of people from the nothingness of the world was shaking, "I seem to mind at once nervous tension up, as if ghosts in behind me, I am trembling, goose bumps seem to have the body together, and I was quickly dropped the next book, watching from a TV, but absent-minded manner while watching TV but my mind was intently looked at, "Detective Conan." Finally, overcome by curiosity, I still can not help but turn off the TV, to continue to see "Detective Conan." Although seen gripped with horror, but still can not help but to enter the story plot ... ... "Detective Conan" adventure story strange strange, language is very easy to understand, it will allow me the story loosely on Qingqing enhanced knowledge and logic and reasoning ability, "Detective Conan" let me broaden their vision, expand their horizons, and to enlighten our thinking . So, I like this book - "Detective Conan."我喜欢的一本书是《神探柯南》。

我认识它那是在书店里。闲来无事,我从架子上随便拿出一本。一看,却被引人入胜的故事吸引住了,便爱不释手起来。 《神探柯南》的主人公是一个被称为警察救世主的柯南,他天才的推理能力令人称奇,案犯再高明的作案方法,都逃不出柯南的眼睛,一桩桩离奇的案件,都能迎刃而解,书中的情节仿佛将我引入一个神奇而又迷人的世界。 令我最感到惊奇有刺激的是“鬼屋事件”,那晚我正在床头看着书,但读到“突然,“呜呜呜……”一阵低吟声自黑乎乎的走廊飘过来,那仿佛来自虚无世界的声音让人浑身发抖”我仿佛心里紧张得一下子绷紧起来,仿佛鬼就在我后面,令我浑身发抖,全身鸡皮疙瘩似乎都起来了,我下得连忙扔下书,看起了电视,可是虽心不在焉地看电视心里却目不转睛地看了看《神探柯南》。

终于,在好奇心的驱使下,我还是忍不住地关掉电视,继续看《神探柯南》。尽管看得心惊肉跳,但还是情不自禁地进入故事的情节中…… 《神探柯南》故事情节惊险怪奇,语言很容易懂,它能让我在清清松松的故事中增强了逻辑知识和推理能力,《神探柯南》能让我增长见识,开阔视野,启迪我们的思维。所以,我喜欢这一本书——《神探柯南》。


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