
英文简要介绍the ugly duckling

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英文介绍the show不是只介绍歌词]I'm just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右两难(进退两难) Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜 i don't know where to go, can't do...+阅读

英文简要介绍the ugly duckling

After the ugly duckling has go through untold hardships, many tribulations into a white swan. Is the gold will shine. Destiny is no track, lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, to learn them underfoot, every child will have a belongs to own dream, as long as they learn to set goals in life, on the self-confidence, hard work, they will be aware of their original can also become "white swan", can be the same as the ugly the realization of dreams, who have a dream, then, is no longer difficult difficult. Metaphor is paid close attention to children or young people, sometimes just appearing, does not pay attention to things.

急!仲夏夜之梦和Julius Caesar的英文简介!200字

A Midsummer Night's Dream: Hermia's father wanted her daughter married Demetrius but not Lysander. But Hermis really love Lysander. Because she can't refuse his father's request, she decided to escape through the forest at night with her true love to another country. She told her plan to her friend, Helena who love Demetrius. But Demetrius didn't love her at all. Helena told the Hermia's plan to Demetrius who also love Helena so that she can follow him. They together went to the forest. Meanwhile in the forest there are Oberon & Titania ---The king and Queen of fairies, who are quarrel with each other, because the king wanted a child who belong Titania, the Queen. So he let Puck find a magic flower which can make person fall in love at the first sight after sleeping. He used the flower and make Titania fall in love with an ugly Ducky-Man and then successfully get the child. He also wanted use the flower to help Helena after hearing the dialog between Helena and Demetrius. Oberon wanted Demetrius also love Helena so that he let Puck put the flower into Demetrius' eyes. But Puck made a mistake, which he put the flower into Lysander's eyes so that Lysander also fell in love with Helena. Now both Lysander and Demetrius love Helena, so they had a fight. After realizing the mistake, Oberon let Puck do it again. After Oberon and Titania's dancing they forgot all the things. Then Lysander loves Hermia again, and Demetrius love Helena. The ending of this story is really happy.Julius Caesar: Julius Caesa, Mark Antony and Brutus are friends. But at last they all died by killing by themselves. The tragedy is only caused the kingship.


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