

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于自我简介的英语作文 100字左右]Born in Tangshan, Hebei Province, I am almost a typical example of my age mates. Major in Math and Information Technology, I show great interest in both of them...+阅读


One possible version:

To develop friendships with other countries and popularize the Chinese language and culture, we have, in recent years, set up Confucius Institutes all over the world. This name is a proud one for Chinese people because Confucius was famous thinker, educator and philosopher in Chinese history. Right now there are already 156 institutes completed and by the end of this year that number will reach 200. The institutes' services include teaching Chinese online, training Chinese teachers, providing Chinese textbooks, and introducing modern China's tourism, business, and medicine to the world.


春秋时期,孔子游说列国,希望诸侯施仁政治理国家,诸侯虽然都给孔子以很高的礼遇,但没有一个诸侯采用他的主张,大争之世,唯求争霸于天下,而实行仁政显然是不能达到目的的,所以孔子退而办学。 当下之世界,强国纷起,列强伺机而嗜,亦为大争之世,美国政府一则害怕文化入侵,其二,孔子的部分思想,看似至理名言,实为糟粕,固步自封尔,一如仁政,可收一时之功,待人处事全凭个人修养学识,长久则疲,以至于犯罪猖獗而无可约束,是故,孔子之仁,是为小仁,孔子思想,已非今日列强争霸所需也。 事虽隔千年,理同也,夫欲立于诸强环视而不败者,富国强兵是为正道,至于修习他国语言,若非供学者之用,若非邦交,尽可坐壁上观也;待他日超然于列强,尽可取之置于卧榻之侧,聊作消遣。




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