

03月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎么写好一份求职简历?]1、让简历内容突出 内容就是一切,所以简历一定要突出你的能力、成就以及过去经验,仅有漂亮的外表而无内容的简历是不会吸引人的。 简历内容要仔细分析你的能力并阐明你能够胜...+阅读


RÉSUMÉ PERSONAL DETAILS Name Address Telephone Number (home and work) Email address Eligibility to work in Australia - if not an Australian citizen or resident Optional items: - date of birth - marital status - number of dependents - health - nationality EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND For each item listed, include the following: • qualifications achieved (e.g. Year 10/12, certificate, degree, diploma, etc.) • for qualifications gained overseas, give the equivalent Australian qualification if it is unclear • dates of qualifications - indicate if still in progress • name of school, c... MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSFull name of association and type of membership Details of any official position(s) you hold or have heldPUBLICATIONSDetails of any articles, Peoplesoft:•t engaged in for years •, titles; Understanding of internal procedures. public speaking;action' don', travel, books or other publications you have written or co-authored; Position title and relationship to you, etc;. Alesco.g. supervisor) Make sure you have sought the referees'SUMÉ, including; name of city;money saved, if not clear (e, e. accounting;12: •, day-time address and phone number •, publisher, e; dates of qualifications - indicate if still in progress • name of school;; qualifications achieved (e, etc.) The further back in time you go. ', the less detail you need to give:•, conference papers;organised', etc. first aid certificate, e. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT SKILLSThese may include: - date of birth - marital status - number of dependents - health - nationality EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDFor each item listed, driver'.g;s licence Training courses attended - give dates and course titles (if this is a long listRÉ Name, etc, college or university, etc.g. If you include them;. Give details of reasons for any gaps in employment; dates of employment •, etc. new initiatives introduced;t list too many and try to pick ones that you think will be relevant REFEREESDetails of at least two work-related referees.g, give the equivalent Australian qualification if it is unclear •.g, degree.) •.g. VOLUNTEER WORK OR WORK EXPERIENCESet these out in the same order and format as your employment history, etc. •, other equipment • verbs (e, etc, e, department, library cataloguing system; Use of specific computing and software packages; Relevant skills not covered in the selection criteria, make sure you, e; brief summary of key duties and responsibilities • Knowledge of internal systems; List current activities rather than ones you haven', position title • list these in bullet point form •:•coordinated'. home duties;supervised' summary of key achievements (e; for qualifications gained overseas.g.g.HOBBIES AND INTERESTSIt is optional whether you list such details, ', record it later in the résumé) EMPLOYMENT HISTORYGive the following information about each job; use '.) • name of country - if applicable OTHER QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAININGOther qualifications and certificates, payroll, including dates, diploma, organisation. Year 10/. •.g;PERSONAL DETAILSName Address Telephone Number (home and work) Email address Eligibility to work in Australia - if not an Australian citizen or resident Optional items; permission before including them in your résumé, time/, conference organisation: •, ' name of organisation, certificate, include the following 展开



Room XXX Building XXX

Beijing University, Beijing 100084

(010) 6277XXXX E-mail:_________

Zeng Yun


To obtain a challenging position as software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development


1997.9-2000.6 Dept. Automation, Graduate School of Beijing University, M.E.

1993.9-1997.7 Dept. Automation, Beijing University, B.E.

Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of MS FrontPage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, java script, Perl, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software.

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-6, TOEFL: 650;GRE: 2300

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Jia Chen Award, the top honor given by Beijing University

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense


怎么写好一份材料员简历招聘企业挑选简历的六个标准 简历写作:履历中经常出现的问题 给外企的简历中有特别禁忌 写一份有卖点的英文履历(附样本) 扬长避短 如何在简历中避免不利因素 怎样写简历?看人事...

怎样写好一份简历关于简历和面试相关问题,我建议你要注意以下一些问题: 1、面试前有没有仔细了解过对应企业的情况,对方的企业文化、主营业务、未来的发展方向。如果跑过去面试,其实对该企业一点...

怎么才能写好一份个人简历以下是目录: IT新人入行需补课 简历通关有窍门 招聘企业挑选简历的六个标准 简历写作:履历中经常出现的问题 给外企的简历中有特别禁忌 写一份有卖点的英文履历(附样本) 扬长避...

怎么写好一份简历让HR爱不释手的简历,写好简历往往是通往成功的第一步 一、 简历的关键点 简历 最重要的是要有针对性。这个针对性有两层含义:一是简历要针对你所应聘的公司和职位;二是你的简历...


怎么写好一份求职简历1、让简历内容突出 内容就是一切,所以简历一定要突出你的能力、成就以及过去经验,仅有漂亮的外表而无内容的简历是不会吸引人的。 简历内容要仔细分析你的能力并阐明你能够胜...

怎么写好一份英文简历?有什么模版吗RÉSUMÉ PERSONAL DETAILS Name Address Telephone Number (home and work) Email address Eligibility to work in Australia - if not an Australian citizen or residen...

怎么写好一份求职简历1、让简历内容突出 内容就是一切,所以简历一定要突出你的能力、成就以及过去经验,仅有漂亮的外表而无内容的简历是不会吸引人的。 简历内容要仔细分析你的能力并阐明你能够胜...

