

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Dear students: You want in a tree-lined, Jade where you live? You want a beautiful environment, vibrant talent on campus it? You want bright and clean, warm home, such as the classroom to learn it? When we in the tree-lined walk through the campus, we will feel relaxed and happy; when we are in the classroom bright and clean school, how can not concentrate? When we clean and elegant environment to learn, will feel more comfortable. School, we are learning important places. Health shcool will have a direct impact on teachers and students work, study and living, at the same time, the school is also an environmental health an important indicator of the degree of civilization, the school is good or bad image of the visual impact of factors. However, in our school, as some students have food brought into the school, the classroom desk drawer with scattered students to leave the shell seeds, candy wrappers, plastic bottles. As well as to make garbage generated in the classroom full of the smell in the air, raised likelihood Looking back, it flies in the junk drawer, please bring out the garbage outside the school, you take away the rubbish left behind is clean. You dropped the dirty, but picked up the character. Please be returned to the school that's a long time ... clean ... 摘抄的 希望对你有帮助


If you come to our school, just go straight the road, you will see a big gate. That is our school's gate. Behind the gate is our teaching building. We usually have different classes in it. Next to teaching building is our laboratory building. In the east of our school is lodging house. At the front of lodging house is our physical education room. Ah? You ask me the playground? Oh, it is in the south corner, do you see that?


美丽的校园 我们的校园座落在高笋塘附近,它虽然不是拥有古迹之称的地方,但它是那么美丽、迷人。我爱我的校园! 新学期来到了,同学们沐浴着阳光,意气风发地走进校园里。进门后,第一眼就看见了两旁的绿化带,一棵棵小树被辛勤的园丁修剪成了蘑菇形状的了,又似一把把绿绒大伞。走上几级石阶,石阶上那棵苍翠欲滴的桃树是那么引人注目。虽然桃花还没有开放,可是桃树同样显得有精神。无论是刮风下雨,还是日晒虫叮,桃树都像一个忠诚的卫士守护着美丽的校园。 再爬上几级石阶,一眼望去,是我们宽阔、美丽的操场,操场是红绿相间的,操场内设有篮球场、羽毛球场和跑道。每当下课时,操场上人声鼎沸,同学们有的在打篮球;有的在练习跑步;还有的在打羽毛球呢!站在操场的中间,往北望去,是我们的升旗台。


远远望去,就像一片五彩斑斓的云霞,真是美不胜收啊!走到近处,菊花散发出淡淡的清香,同学们完全沉浸在菊花的香气中了。它们有的还是花骨朵儿,看起来饱胀得快要裂开似的;有的已经全展开了,露出嫩黄色的花芯;还有的才展开两三片花瓣。看看这朵花很美,那朵花也很美。我真想用手中的画笔画下眼前的这一片美丽的景象,永远珍藏下去。菊花旁边还摆着一盆不知名的小花,浅黄色的花儿朝下长着,看起来真像一个害羞的小姑娘,还像一个挂在树枝上的小铃铛。微风拂过,小铃铛似乎能发出美妙动听的音乐。忽然,一股清香扑鼻而来,我寻着香气,来到一棵桂花树下,仿佛整个心身都溶化进清香当中了,被完全陶醉了,在蓝天的衬托下,桂花朵朵娇艳,格外美丽! 清晨,顶着露珠的小草被同学们的朗朗读书声吵醒了,慢慢地苏醒过来。

露珠滴到土里,给土壤以滋润。 啊!我爱我的校园,更爱校园美丽的景色。因为它不仅给我们带来了知识,也带来了无限的欢乐! Beautiful campus Our campus is located near the pond in high bamboo shoots, which though not have sites known place, but it was so beautiful and charming. I love my campus!The new term has arrived, and classmates sun-drenched, new strides into campus. After taking the door, at the first glance saw on both sides of the greening tree was hard, appered the gardener clipped became mushroom-shaped, also like YiBaBa green cloth with soft nap big umbrella. On a few class steps, stairs tree CangCuiYuDi peach tree is so conspicuous. Although a peach blossom has not open, but peach also appears have spirit. Whether wind and rain, or insolation insect bite and peach trees are like a loyal peacekeeper guard beautiful campus.To climb on a few class steps, look, is our spacious, beautiful playground, playground is red and green, playground high-bright basketball courts, badminton courts and the runway. When the class is over, the playground thronged, students some playing basketball, Some in the practice running, The others are playing badminton! Standing in the midst of the playground went north distance, is our ShengQiTai. ShengQiTai are made of red wash buckling libertine giacomo casanova around it has a silver bars, listening to the teacher said, flagpole, a symbol of 13 meters high country of 1.3 billion people. Every Monday, we row tidy team, to the playground held a solemn flag-raising ceremony. Looking at the national flag in the solemn national anthem to slowly rising in the flagpole, my heart matchless excitement, feel the motherland already put in my heart. On both sides of the green belts is still so beautiful and charming lakeside and intoxicates tens. The playground ahead is tall yifu building. Pink brick, dark green Windows, make yifu building look brand-new. Building high nine floors, six floors above ground level, below also has three floors. Building with music, dancing room, the artroom, electronic musical instument, computer rooms, laboratory, library... We each week to yifu building went to class. Here we learn singing, learn to dance, painting, learning to play computer... It really happy! Yifu building door both sides are filled with potted chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum do not fiddle to blossom. From a distance, ...

说明你的校园生活校园环境用英语 60字

My schoool life

My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class. Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates are friendly and helpful. We also have lots of after-school activies. Third, our school environment is very beautiful, the teachers all can make their lesson interesting and instructive. So I like my school life very much.


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