
英语作文100字题目:毕业了你想做什么工作 give your reason

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[低谷人生,做你想做的事情]学校新开了一门课《证券投资理论与实务》,由于缺少老师,教务处让我通过在证券公司任职的先生介绍一位,于是杨老师成了我们的外聘老师。 上课第一天,有人向学校反映,刘老师给找的...+阅读

英语作文100字题目:毕业了你想做什么工作 give your reason

I'd like to be a teacher after I graduate from colledge. It's very interesting and wonderful to be a teacher. I am energetic and patient so I think I can do well I think I will be useful and helpful to my students because they can not only learn Knowledge but also learn how to be a useful person. I will always feel young nomatter how old I am. What's more, I will have lots of free time to do whatever I want because there is winter holiday, summer holiday and other holidays.There are lots of advantages to be a teacher so my first choice is to be a teacher.


三个月工作计划 100词英语作文

I have planed a few things to do during my summer holiday, the first thing I will do is to visit the Beidai river, I will stay there around seven days to relax. After that, I am going back to my home town to visit my grandparents, I will stay in their house for another seven days, because I miss them so much. I will read a lot of famous books to improve my reading intrest during the whole holiday. I will also join an English learn class to improve my English, because I wish to continue my high school study....




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