
请帮我把百科里面关于windows phone的简介翻译成英文

03月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com


请帮我把百科里面关于windows phone的简介翻译成英文

Microsoft released Windows Phone is a mobile operating system, it will Microsoft's Xbox Live games , Xbox Music music video experience with a unique integrated into the phone. October 2010 11 evening 9:30 , Microsoft officially released a smart phone operating system Windows Phone, while Google 's Android and Apple's IOS as major competitors. February 2011 , Nokia and Microsoft reached a global strategic alliance to jointly develop and depth . June 21, 2012 , Microsoft officially released the latest mobile operating system Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 using the same kernel ....

Windows Media Player 10英文说明

Windows Media Player is available for the Windows, Windows Mobile, and Mac operating systems. Learn more about the Player based on the operating system that you have.

For Windows Vista

Windows Media Player 10 for Windows Vista offers great ways to store and enjoy your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV favorites—all from one place.

For Windows XP

Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP offers new ways to experience your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV favorites.

Previous versions of the Player

Find earlier versions of Windows Media Player that work with other Windows operating systems.

For Windows Mobile

Windows Media Player Mobile is included with Windows Mobile powered phones and PDAs, so you can enjoy your favorite music and videos wherever you go.

For Mac

Play Windows Media Audio (.wma) and Windows Media Video (.wmv) files on a Mac or in the QuickTime Player.

Microsoft Visual C英文版页面说明

分别是新建 (包括你的项目或者 新建cpp/.h文件等等)



打开工作空间 -保存工作空间 -关闭工作空间(你晓得啥意思)

保存 -别存为-保存全部-(用过word的都知道)

最近文件 -最近工作空间(大体上都差不多)


比如你现在要新建 一个项目 Ctest

那就点开NEW 弹出的对话框中选 第二个选项卡 (project-里面可以使用MFC 还是win32随便你自己)右边输入你的工程名点确定就新建一个了

但 如果你现在有个项目了 我想再增加一个cpp文件也可以新建-FILE(这里面可以选择cpp/ .h等等文件)

之后你就在里面写你的代码了 调试:F5 编译 :CTRL+F7 组建 :F7 执行CTRL+F5


如果你实在要自己保存呢 ctrl+S吧


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