

03月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外语翻译简历1]目前所在: 广州 年 龄: 25 户口所在: 广东省 国 籍: 中国 婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族 培训认证: 未参加 身 高: 163 cm 诚信徽章: 未申请 体 重: 48 kg 人才测评: 未测评 我的特长: 求...+阅读


Singapore is a multi-ethnic country, India, Malays, ethnic Chinese, European and Asian people, its national language is Malay, Malay is the national anthems of the past; official language is English, of course, can also use Mandarin.! ! Singapore has a 'Garden City' is called, and the streets are clean air. But in some areas will see rentals dirty side. Singapore's land area is 699.4 square kilometers.! ! Is smaller than that of Guangzhou. As for the cost of living in Singapore is vary from person to person, a person must be at least 700 new coins a month. Material prices than China, Hong Kong high....



Singapore, the full name of the Republic of Singapore, formerly known as the new Ka slope, chew or Tao, nicknamed the lion city is an island in Southeast Asia, the political system implemented parliamentary republic. Singapore north across the Straits of Johor and Malaysia for the neighborhood, south across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia faces one another, adjacent to the Strait of Malacca Nankou, land in addition to the island of Singapore, including a few around the island. [


Singapore is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to its south. The country is highly urbanised with very little primary rainforest remaining, although more land is being created for development through land reclamation.


汉语为新加坡最重要母语 成为该国学生必修课 新加坡教育部政务部长曾士生21日表示,对于汉语学习,新加坡政府制定了学生非学不可的制度,并因材施教,鼓励新加坡学生多学汉语。 当天在京举行的首届世界汉语大会上,新加坡教育部政务部长曾士生做主题发言时表示,在新加坡有75%的华人,汉语为新加坡最重要的母语。 但曾士生也表示,经济的发展使得选择学英语的学生越来越多。这样作为母语的汉语反而渐渐成为第二语言选择。 曾士生说,在制定非学不可的制度后,新加坡政府开展了各类项目的汉语教学,在小学阶段设置基础汉语,中学阶段设置高级汉语,甚至还有为少数民族安排的特别汉语。新加坡教育部还特别成立了汉语课程与教学法检讨委员会,以全面检讨新加坡汉语教学的情况。


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高人帮忙翻译教师推荐信翻译成日语推荐状 拝啓ΟΟ教授におかれましては益々ご健胜のこととお庆び申し上げます。 さて、この度私が最も评価する学生のために、贵大学修士课程入学申请の推荐状を书けることを...


鹰击长空1的简介中文名称:汤姆克兰西的鹰击长空 英文名称:Tom Clancys H A W X 发行时间:2009年3月18日 游戏类型:空战模拟 游戏语言:英文 开发厂商:Ubisoft Romania 发行厂商:Ubisoft...


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