

03月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一封英文推荐信]To Whom It May Concern: It is my great pleasure to remend Miss Lili Zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students in our department. Miss Zhang began attend...+阅读


Dear XXX:

Let me introduce my family to you.Tere are three people in my family .I am Peter,a studentand Iam in NO1Middle School.My father is a worker .He is affable and I like him .mother is a teacher ,she works in a school and she sorks hard .She likes playing sports .I have no sisters or brothers ,but feel happy.Because my parents love me ,I also like them.




Dear **, I am ** .I'm **years old. This is my family photo. In my family there are 3 people .my father ,my mother and I.My father is a bus -driver.He is friendly. He has a lot of friends.My mother is a teacher.She works at my school .She does housework everyday.I love them. This is my family.what about yours?please write and tell me soon. yours, Tom


Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin Franklin) (1706-1790) was the United States in the 18th century industrialist, scientists, social activists, thinkers and diplomats. He is the first country to enjoy the reputation of scientists and inventors and musicians. In order to explore power has been well-known "kite experiment" in the electrical significant achievements, in order to exercise power in-depth study of the law, the creation of many of the specific terms such as positive, negative, electrical conductors, batteries, charger, Spark GM to become the world's vocabulary. He borrowed the concept of positive and negative on mathematics, science and the first to use positive and negative electrical charge that the concept of nature. And can not charge the creation, the eradication can not be thinking of future generations on this basis, found that the law of conservation of charge. He was first put forward the idea of a lightning rod, which manufactured the lightning rod to prevent the disaster struck by lightning, get rid of superstition. He is an outstanding statesman, is the American War of Independence veterans. He participated in drafting the "Declaration of Independence," and the United States Constitution, and actively advocated for the abolition of slavery, deeply respect the people of the United States. He is the first U.S. ambassador (France), so also in the world to enjoy a relatively high reputation.


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