

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一份建筑个人简历范本]第一次回答可获2分,答案被采纳可获得悬赏分和额外20分奖励。 基 本 信 息 姓 名: xxx 性 别: 男 出生日期: 1982-11-13 婚姻状况: 未婚 身 高: 180 CM 体 重: 65 Kg 户 口: 河南省南...+阅读


Name: x sex: female birth; the han nationality: 1990 01 29Age: 20 height weight 50KG: 160CM, marital status, unmarriedGraduated from universities politics: members of xx university. Education, Secondary contact:Specialty: familiar with Microsoft office software, such as: word, excel, etc.Work experience: 2007.7-2009-12 in xx city x electronic Co., LTD, assistant and qcExpect in post: civilian, administration and logisticsSelf assessment:My young, bright, energetic, stable personality and high sense of responsibility, strong career-ambition. Willing to learn and progress, and have good ability. Personality, cheerful, and communication skills, strong. Works is responsible earnestly, positive initiative, the ability is diligent, having strong sense of responsibility. Has the strong organization ability and practical ability, can rapidly adapt to the working environment. Like in continuous learning progress, treats people the enthusiasm, serious and responsible work, logical thinking ability, have patience and qualified work.Hope I learned of your company can further develop strength, hope you give a chance to show his abilities. Thank you!xx是拼音 电话号码是阿拉伯数字


简历是很重要的哦,而且在国外是非常注重简历的格式的!注意一定不要太花俏,要很简单,很有格式,然后最好是全部放在一页纸上。你现在最safe的选在就是在网上找“Resume Template”。





Objective: 你要申请的项目


之后如果你还是在校学生的话,你可以写Honors,Language Skills之类的。

最后你还可以写上Reference person.

但是有很重要的一点就是!!!你千万不要在上面写你的什么爱好啊,还有抒发自己的感情,因为这个时候你应该还需要准备一份Cover letter,这个时候你就可以大抒发特抒发你的个人特长,对工作的热爱,对这家公司的向往了。但是Resume你要保证只是把你个人的信息全部填写上去,而且是完全不带任何个人感情的。




我是英语系的,仅供你参考English Resume

Name: Gender: Male

Date of birth: Citizenship:

Major: English Tele:


Assistant of your office or the manager;

Interpreter of your company

Main skills

About English

Have a good command of four basic skills, listening, reading, speaking and writing. Past TEM-8

About Japanese

Has leant it for two academic years. Only can do basic reading

About Chinese

Has got the certificate of Chinese, the score is 88

About Computer

Has a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software;

Skilled in Microsoft Office, including WORD, PPT and so on

Activities and work experience

In the summer vacation of the junior, I went to be a volunteer in one basketball game

From 2009.3 to 2009.7, to be a teacher in

From 2010.1 to 2010.5, to be a translator in

Scholarships and awards

The year 2005 to 2006, won the first level scholarship and awarded “Excellent Student” prize

The year 2006 to 2007, won the second level scholarship and awarded “Excellent Student” prize

The year 2007to 2008, won the second level scholarship and awarded “outstanding student leader”

The year 2008 to 2009, awarded “Excellent Student” prize of our school


Has intensive interest in traveling and reading


Strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of teamwork.. Interested in learning new things.



急求一份个人简历表个人简历主要包括以下内容: 1、基本情况 姓名、地址、邮政编码、电话号码,这些一定要填写正确、清楚,以备准确无误地联络,有照片更好。 2、求职目标 简述你目前的求职目标。如果...

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急求一份销售的个人简历帮帮帮帮这是一篇范文哈! 姓 名: 2264范文网 性 别: 男 民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1987年11月11日 身 高: 164cm 体 重: 60kg 户 籍: 安徽合肥 现所在地: 安徽合肥 毕业学校: 合肥工业大学 学 历:...

急求一份标准空白个人简历word表格你好 不得额 因为你给的信息比较少,不知道具体什么样的简历更适合你,授人以鱼不如授人以渔我直接告诉你如何从网络获得简历好了,很简单的。 你可以使用搜索下“filetype:doc 简...

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急求一份销售的个人简历!帮帮帮帮这是一篇范文哈! 姓 名: 2264范文网 性 别: 男 民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1987年11月11日 身 高: 164cm 体 重: 60kg 户 籍: 安徽合肥 现所在地: 安徽合肥 毕业学校: 合肥工业大学 学 历:...
