

03月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[描写小乌龟的作文 250字急急急急急急急急急急急急急]我家有只小乌龟,它的年龄只有三个月,整个小乌龟只有我的手心那么大,小乌龟的头特别小,身体显得特别大.坚硬的外壳有一道道花纹,样子很可爱. 小乌龟平时很喜欢潮湿的地方睡大觉,我...+阅读


Dear ~,

I am writing to you to apply the position of ~~~

My name is Fang Xueyan.I'm 20 years old and I come from Shandong.

I worked as a salesgirl and cash register in the supermarket after I graduated from primary school. I'm good at communicating with others and know some selling skills well. I know how to recommend proper goods to the customers.And I will hew to the arrangements of the superiors.I always get along well with others. I like Singapore very much because my friends ever told me that Singapore was a very beautiful country.I also want to go there to practise myself.

It will be my honor if you can give me the chance.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Fang Xueyan




Dear parents,

It's my pleasure to meet you both.(all用于三者或三者以上的全部,父母是两个人,用both)

First, I have to introduce myself,my name is .....

I'm a college student of .....University/College.

I'm taking the early childhood education course now and for this course, I need(用have to会显得你很不情愿做这件事) to work as intern in the daycare.(这里写做为实习生在日托工作)

In order to learn more about how to be a professional educator, and to get a new experience as well,i will look after your children and do my observation in this semester from 3rd Sepember to 26th November.(这里很明显要用将来时,不能用将来进行时,watch表示照顾没有look after好,直接写做观察就好了,不要写of your children,没有家长喜欢自己的小孩是别人的研究对象的,可以不用写得那么直白。)

I'm looking forward to meeting you all in this semester.(look forward to 后面加动词ing形式,不用用原形)

Thank you for your understanding.(这里要说清是your understanding,英文里最重要的一点就是时刻involve你的说话对象)

Have a good weekend!




To everyone: I am glad to inform that we have two new colleagues this week.They are.... Let's give them a warm welcome. We hope everyone can give you sincere support to help them be in our team quickly and become inseparable members of us. At last, we hope they can show their competence and talent in their positions and enjoy their each passionate day.Thank you...



I'm 13 years old this year, Liu Xing foods like fruits and vegetables to school time, time to go home at 7 am Saturday 6 pm to do movies often play the guitar favorite subject is English like the English teacher of English is very interesting


姓名 刘星 13 岁 3 .8号 喜欢的食物 水果、蔬菜 上学时间回家时间7;00am 6;00pm 周末常做的事 看电影、弹吉他 最喜欢的科目和原因 英语;喜欢英语老师 英语很有趣



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