

03月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[悉尼大剧院简介][16:00:24] Francois: 悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚全国表演艺术中心。又称海中歌剧院。它矗立在新南威尔士州首府悉尼市贝尼朗岬角上,紧靠着世界著名的海港大桥的一块小半岛上,三面环...+阅读


Australia's premier city is also the oldest settlement in the country, the economic powerhouse of the nation and the country's capital in everything but name. Built on the shores of the stunning Port Jackson, you would have to die and go to heaven before you see a more spectacular setting for a city. It's a vital, self-regarding metropolis, exuding both a devil-may-care urbanity and a slavish obsession with global fads.


About the University University of Sydney students and researchers come from all over the world and all backgrounds to prepare for a life of challenge and change.We are unique among Australia's leading universities in the breadth of disciplines we offer, providing wide opportunities for personal development and cross-disciplinary study that delivers unique insights and breakthroughs.Close to the heart of Australia's largest and most international city, our central campus has been transformed by the recent completion of state-of-the-art teaching, research and student support facilities.Our researchers pursue cutting-edge breakthroughs, reaching across disciplinary barriers to find unique solutions to improve and transform our lives. Studying alongside these top researchers, and in some cases contributing to their research, exposes Sydney students to excellence – and challenges them to succeed as leaders in whatever career field they choose.Our students are intimately involved in University life, from social clubs to having a strong voice in University decision-making; this involvement sets us apart from our Australian peers, generating a unique on-campus buzz.We constantly build on the innovations of our alumni, who include prime ministers, Nobel laureates, Oscar winners, business leaders, medical pioneers, artists, intellectuals and activists. They have all benefited from the University's determination to develop curious minds that are ready to embrace challenges and devour knowledge, to reveal new perspectives and find solutions.We reach beyond our campuses to improve the lives of those who never enter our classrooms or laboratories as academics or students. Our award-winning researchers are leaders in addressing issues that impact everyone, from public health to environmental sustainability.We contribute to Australia's community life through championship-winning sports teams and leading art and music performances.


堪培拉 Canberra is the capital of Australia. A total population of 368000 people (368000), in Australia all ranked eighth in the city. With a total area of 2395 square kilometers, more than 50% of the area of national park or reserve, urban design affected by garden city agitation, throw away in the park as the ornament of old ideas, will be directly integrated into the natural vegetation in many important areas, and thus enjoy a "natural capital" reputation. In Canberra, however, at the beginning of the development of the face to the world war ii and the economic panic, urban development in the decline of the supervision efficiency. After world war ii, under the initiative of prime minister Robert menzies, national capital development committee was established, with executive power, beginning in Canberra in the emerging capital of vigorous development. 悉尼 (Sydney) in Sydney, new south wales, Australia's capital, on the verge of the south Pacific, is the largest city in Australia and Oceania and ports, it is also one of the world's most bustling international metropolis. Sydney is Australia's economic, financial, and transportation center, is also the important financial center and shipping center in Asia and the Pacific. Sydney is a major international tourist destination, is famous for Sydney opera house and harbour bridge. Sydney in Australia is very important in the national economy, service industry is the main part of the economy in Sydney, Sydney, about 30% of Australia's gross domestic product. Most of the world famous multinational companies in Sydney has branches or offices. In 2000, successfully held in the 27th summer Olympic Games in Sydney. 悉尼歌剧院 The Sydney opera house in Sydney, Australia, is one of the most distinctive architecture in the 20th century, is the world famous performing arts center, has become a Sydney landmark. Inaugurated in 1973, the opera house on June 28, 2007, the world cultural heritage by UNESCO, and the theater designers for the Danish designer, black pine. The convenience of the Sydney opera house is located in Sydney harbour lang Angle (Bennelong Point), its unique sail shape, plus the Sydney harbour bridge, with the surrounding scenery set each other off becomes an interest.





Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland, the major island of Tasmania, and numerous other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and New Zealand.

Northern Australia was discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606. The eastern half was claimed by the British in 1770. Commonwealth of Australia was formed on 1901.

Major cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. The capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory.

Australia is a prosperous multicultural country and has good health care, human development, public education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.


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