

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Nowaday, the employment rate of undergraduates tends to be lower. How can undergraduate students choose the right job? There might be ways for those job hunters.Firstly, the graduates should not only put the focus on the salary. Apparently, it is a main criteria for them and this is also the main cause of the low employment rate. Basically, it is right to consider the salary, but the more important thing is to consider whether the job has the potential of further promotion. Moreover, no matter how you think on choosing the job, you must consider if the job create value to the social needs or the contribution to the society. Being needed is much more valuable than being wanted. Some jobs may not at your preference, however, you may choose it because your value can be reflected on the job....


College graduates employment problem in AmericaCurrently, the unemployment rate among people with a bachelor degree or higher is at around 4.5% as of May, 2011, much lower than the U.S. national average of 9.1%. Overall, college graduates do enjoy higher earnings than their less-educated peers. However, based on the current U.S. labor market condition, the employment and pay level in this demographic class would be under pressure in the next few years as new college graduates flood the market in a down cycle of the economy.Regardless of the reasons for the disparity in employment rates, black college graduates must navigate the job market the way it is now. Lack of opportunity can only be countered by continuing to be proactive. Pro-activity does not just mean training harder or longer to improve or increase skills and marketability or working consistently to build connections. If there are no opportunities available, black college graduates must create their own because entrepreneurship is the only definitive solution to the problem of employability. The difficulties associated with working for others decrease if we take steps to work for ourselves.


with the serious situation of being employed increasing sharply , this kind of stress is becoming a problem not only educated students should face to but also high school students must think about .分段 As high school students , we must put our study into the first place . widening our horizons and knowledges are the same important . meanwhile , we should have our interests developed , which will benefit us a lot . rising our personal quality is also important . strengthen our attitude towards cooperation , and develop our team awarenesses , otherwise we will become a failure with time going by . with everything mentioned above , we also need to grasp the requirements of social . and make a early planning before entering . last but not least , we may face many difficulties in the future , but we should'nt lose our heart , for our success lying in somewhere hiding behind the failures .


如何理解和看待当代大学生的就业形势应该怎么应付.大学生就业难深层原因分析 (1)愿望与现实之间的反差构成为了现阶段大学生就业难的重要原因。 家庭与学生个人的观念在一定程度上也造成为了就业困难。家庭对子女教诲出格是...

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关于大学生就业的英语作文Today's college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm (蜂拥) into job...

