

04月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[难忘的一件事500字]【一】难忘的一件事500字 在我成长的过程中,发生过许许多多令我难忘的事。其中有一件事最使我难以忘怀。 记得在我读三年级时的一个晚上,老师布置了很多作业,令我非常郁闷。老...+阅读


Everyone has an unforgettable thing in his life. So do I.

when I was just five years old, I celebrated my mother's birthday for her. I cleaned the room, mopped the floor and also bought a present for her. I waited for mum at home after doing all these things. When mum came back, I jumped to her and gave her the present and said happy birthday to her. Mum was so happy and surprised that she hugged me for a long time. This is an unforgettable thing in my life because this was the first time I did the housework and felt how tired to do the job and this was also the first time I noticed mum was so happy that she even cried. Though I was tired, I felt happy.

I learned a lot from my mother's hug. It is surprise, it is happiness and it is love. It is a love that a child gave a mother and also a mother gave to her child. Besides all, I really know that when you make others happy, you'll understand the true meaning of happiness. What an unforgettable thing it is in my life!




首先要对自己有自信,不能颓废,要会说英语,你可以大声朗读,如果自身条件允许,可以适当的背诵英语课文,最好是有比较多语法的课文. 要学好听英语,我有一个特别好的方法,如果平常没有时间听英语,你可以在睡觉之前,听5-10分钟英语磁带,磁

带要选择适合自己英语水平的,不要太高深,也不要太简单.一定要用心听,努力去听清楚每一个单词,肯定会有你听不懂的单词,不要担心,反正不是考试,没有听清也没关心,但一定要认真听,不要流于形式. 这个方法特别有效,我的英语听力本来不是很好,以前做英语听力题目要错一大半,用了这个方法,我的英语听力提高了很多,现在我的听力经常是满分,的确很管用.我这样训练自己其实也没有多久,就一两个月的时间. 请一定要相信我,不妨试试看,会有效的.加油!!!


The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful, to make the air cleaner and fresher, and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in. According to the program, we will plant different kinds of trees, flowers and grass in and around our school. A botanical garden will be built for us to visit and practice in. Besides, we are to build a small garden in which we can do some reading and take a rest. What's more, some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder. Don't you think it a wonderful program?


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