

04月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Congratulations, Graduate, on all that you've accomplished… Good luck in all that you'll achieve. 祝贺你,毕业生, 祝贺你取得的一切成绩… 愿你日后一切顺利。英文毕业祝福语 Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true. It's such a pleasure to have a special reason to congratulate you. 祝你学成毕业! 愿你前程似锦, 事事如愿以偿。 今日贺君有因, 倍感欣慰欢畅!英文毕业祝福语 Congratulations on your being graduated from high school. It's a wonderful feeling to have reached this milestone, and I envy you the opportunities that lie ahead. 恭喜你高中毕业!能达到这一段人生里程一定很兴奋吧,祝你前途无量! 祝贺考试过关。英文毕业祝福语 Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination. I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir. 恭贺高考旗开得胜,奉上礼物以作纪念。

祝贺获得学位。英文毕业祝福语 Congratulations! Earning your Master's degree is an achievement of note, and I hope you are feeling proud and happy——as you deserve. 获得硕士学位是一项引人瞩目的成就,我希望你为此感到骄傲和欢欣,因为你当之无愧。祝贺你! You have now satisfied a lifelong ambition and can write Ph. D. after your name! My heartiest congratulations and best wishes for every future success. 你已经满意地实现了一项终身的抱负,可以在你的名字后面写上Ph.D了,向你表示衷心的祝贺,并预祝你将来事事成功。 祝贺获奖。英文毕业祝福语 Your honor brings to all of us. 你的荣誉给我们带来了荣耀。 祝贺成功。英文毕业祝福语 Congratulations on your success! 恭贺成功! I wish you every success in the future, You are worthy success. 我祝你来日事业成功,出类拔萃,成功当之无愧。

It's wonderful to know that you have completed the dream of a lifetime. 非常高兴得知你实现了一生的理想。 英文毕业祝福语 I wish you the best of luck in the new year. I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay The voice of today joke, the pleasant breeze bright moon of tonight, fine but not the abyss of time, haven't come yet and share the last of wine, but want each rush thing, take good care, friend 今天的欢声笑语,今夜的清风明月,美好却并非永恒,还没来得及分享最后一杯酒,却要各奔东西,珍重,朋友 Break up silently, positive such as meet at the beginning and silently.Wish this light breeze that is warm and fragrant, give you the go to I deep the wish and the orison of[with] feeling. 默默的分手,正如当初默默地相遇。愿这温馨的微风,给你捎去我深情的祝福和祈祷。 英文毕业祝福语 1. you are so pretty ,if thy forgot you--but i can't forget you. 2. i'm sad to say goodbye to you because we haven't happy enoufh in these fiv years. Wish we can be two little fish in the sea and swim, swim,swim...... 3. i'm very happy to be you friend!!!Wish you have a bright future!!!! 1. 你如此漂亮 ,如果你的忘记你--但是 i 不能忘记你。

2. 我是说来可悲再见对你,因为我们不已经在这些 fiv 数年内的快乐 enoufh。 愿我们在海洋和游泳、游泳中可能是二条小鱼,游泳...... 3. 我是非常快乐的是你朋友!!!愿你有明亮的未来!!!!


不得不说机翻害死人啊,看得我笑死了.Congratulations on your graduation! You are my first foreign friend. The two years studying together seems short but definitely leaves great impression on me. I didnot communicate with you so much due to my poor speaking, but your gentility and passion will always be in my mind. Hope you can often recall those wonderful days in China at hometown.自己翻的,虽然也不太好,起码比机翻好多了.....


for classmates congratulations on your graduation! whishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true. 恭喜你毕业了...在未来的日子里祝福你心想事成,马到成功 congratulate you on your graduation and may all your hopes and plans turn to fulfillment and success. 跟上边一个意思 may you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures(事业). 希望你身体健康..万事如意


人生路漫漫,你我相遇又分别。相聚总是短暂,分别却是长久,唯愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随Life long, you and I met again separately. Together is always short, it is a long time separately,唯愿each other's heart can be closely quest

即将分别,我真心的祝福你永葆天真,无邪,快乐,向上的气息。Separately soon, I really blessing you forever innocent, innocent, happy, uplifting atmosphere.


一朝离别后,两地人消瘦,三餐没胃口,四季少春秋,五体投地愁,六亲劝不住,七情无归宿,八分是孤独,九九盼归一,十全人长久。You will soon want to leave, "see you" wish you every success, good health and happy wishful Forever!

One day after separation, the two people suffering from weight loss, no appetite for three meals a day, less the Spring and Autumn seasons, body voted Friday to depression, could not persuade六亲, impassioned without end, eight are lonely, hope to the 99 one, Shiquan people long



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