

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[世界地球日简介]世界地球日简介 2007世界地球日 世界地球日(WorldEarthDay)活动起源于美国,旨在唤起人类爱护地球、保护家园的意识,促进资源开发与环境保护的协调发展。1969年,美国民主党参议员盖洛...+阅读


This is a century occurred in the two previous adventure story of a rigorous work stereotypical British gentleman, and accept the challenge, across the sea, through the ancient Oriental oldest in the world, after the Indians haunt the wilderness, overcoming all kinds of unexpected difficulties, with 80 days of time around the Earth, completed the feat of mankind over nature. There is a thing called the eternal, as the stars of heaven, the mountain stream and you need these beautiful, fairy-tale story. Each life is you can not read the classics 我翻译了半天,加分,加分


After reading this book, I feel at a very good person, he has many places worth studying.

He was in a planned way. He put all the places and to pass from one place to another place to need to spend time in a small notebook, each place after a stroke, so he has to finish the program is very clear.

He finds a calm. When you know his mistake from Hong Kong to the ship, yokohama, Japan is not panic, hesitation hired a boats to Shanghai, adventure boarded another bus to Japanese ships.

He helpful. After India, his wit bravely put the wrecked woman saved at odds, win, not delay is very precious time, his servant and peer scopus bud back.

These are the good in people. Each one of us has many advantages, must learn from each other and help each other.


专辑曲目: 01. everybody all over the world (join the celebration) 02. river of dreams 03. it s a small world - baha men 04. around the world overture 05. jetpack journey 06. wager 07. rendezvous in paris 08. balloon chase 09. 1st class waltz 10. prince hapi escape 11. agra to china 12. return to the jade buddha 13. lost in america 14. dismantling carmen 15. exactly like my dream


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