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Adolf Hitler, Austria - German nationality political figures, Chancellor of the Third Reich and imperial chancellor, the German armed forces supreme commander. Nazism, second world wars, genocide of the core characters. Born in Austria in 1889, 1919, join the Nazi party, in 1921 to become the leader, because in 1923 Beer Hall Putsch was arrested, after his release, he to the pan German nationalism, anti-Semitism, against capitalism, the anti-Communist propaganda means supported. In 1933 to become Chancellor of Germany, the invasion of Poland in 1939, which launched the Second World War, in 1945 April, the Soviet Red Army approached Berlin, Hitler and his girlfriend Eva Braun married Dutch act, April 30th in the German chancellery bunker.


Nazi Germany and the Third Reich are the common English names for Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (AKA NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which established a totalitarian dictatorship that existed from 1933 to 1945. Officially, the state was, as in the preceding Weimar Republic era, still called the Deutsches Reich (German Reich). In 1943 Großdeutsches Reich (Greater German Reich), became the official name.The state was a major European power from the 1930s to the mid-1940s. Its historical significance lies mainly in its responsibility for starting World War II, and its commission of large-scale crimes against humanity, such as the persecution and mass-murder of millions of Jews, minorities, and dissidents in the genocide known as the Holocaust. The state came to an end in 1945, after the Allied Powers succeeded in seizing German-occupied territories in Europe and in occupying Germany itself.In 1935, Germany was bounded on the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by Lithuania, The Free City of Danzig, Poland and Czechoslovakia; to the south by Austria and Switzerland; and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Saarland, which joined in 1935. These borders changed after the state annexed Austria, the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia and Memel, and after subsequent expansion during World War II.纳粹德国和第三帝国是我们共同的英语名称为德国制度下的希特勒和国家社会主义德国工人党 (又名nsdap或纳粹党) ,建立了一个极权 独裁的存在,从1933年至1945年。

正式,国家,正如在前面的魏玛共和国时代,仍然是所谓的德国帝国 ( 德国帝国 ) 。 在1943年großdeutsches帝国 (更大的德国帝国) ,成为正式名称。 国家是欧洲的主要权力从20世纪30年代中期到1940年代。 其历史意义,主要在于在其负责的出发第二次世界大战中 ,其委员会的大型危害人类罪,如迫害和大规模谋杀了数百万犹太人 ,少数人,和持不同政见者在种族灭绝称为大屠杀 。 [4]国家后才告结束,在1945年后, 盟军的权力,成功地抓住德语的被占领土,在欧洲和德国的占领本身.在1935年,德国的范围内对北,由北海 , 丹麦和波罗的海 ;东面立陶宛 , 免费城市但泽 , 波兰和捷克斯洛伐克 ;向南方将由奥地利和瑞士 ,以及西法国 , 卢森堡 , 比利时 , 荷兰和萨尔州 ,参加在1935年。

这些边界改变后所附的国家奥地利, 苏台德地区 , 波希米亚和摩拉维亚和memel ,并随后扩大后,在第二次世界大战期间 。


The largest car producer in Europe. The Volkswagen Group, based in Wolfsburg, is one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world, and Europe's largest carmaker. In 2003, in a difficult economic climate, the Group increased its deliveries to customers to 5.015 million vehicles (in 2002: 4.984 million), representing a 12.1 percent share of the world car market. In Western Europe, the world's largest car market, almost one in five new cars originates from the Volkswagen Group. Two brand groups: Volkswagen and Audi. The Group's passenger car business is split into two brand groups. Under the umbrella of the Group, Audi and Volkswagen manage their separate brand groups and are responsible for generating global earnings from them. The Audi brand group is made up of the Audi, SEAT and Lamborghini brands. The Volkswagen brand group includes the Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Škoda, Bentley and Bugatti brands. Each brand has its own character, and operates autonomously on the market. The product range extends from ultra-economical compacts, delivering fuel consumption of just three litres per 100 kilometres, to luxury-class saloons. The Commercial Vehicles brand is responsible for the Group's commercial vehicle products. Regional control. The Group has established a control structure comprising four regions: Europe/Remaining Markets; North America; South America/South Africa; and Asia-Pacific. The Financial Services and Europcar business units are managed jointly under the Financial Services divisional umbrella. 45 manufacturing facilities in 18 countries worldwide. The Group operates 45 manufacturing facilities in 11 countries in Europe and in a further seven countries in America, Asia and Africa. A workforce of over 336,000 people all around the globe produces over 21,500 vehicles per working day, as well as providing vehicle-related services. The Volkswagen Group's models are sold in more than 150 countries. The aim of the Group is to offer attractive, safe, environmentally friendly vehicles which are competitive on increasingly tough markets and represent the global benchmark in their respective classes. ©Volkswagen 2007 |Legal Statement | Sitemap Volkswagen AG | Volkswagen International


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