

05月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇关于清明节的英语小短文]today is the traditional tomb-sweeping day. a lot of people go to the graveyard to pay homage to their deceased beloved ones.tomb-sweeping day now is official h...+阅读


根据实际写啊 比如说 最好的朋友。

I have many friends,but ______ (人名)is my best friend.She is taller and older than me.And I'm_thinner than she.I think I'm more outgoing than she.She likes playing sports,"because it's good for my heath"she said.Her favorite subject is PE ,because she thinks it's very interesting.She also like music,it is relaxing……

我想这篇文章应该没什么语法错误吧```如果没有错误,并且符合你的要求, 你可不能照抄哦~!自己动动脑筋 能想出很多单词来``

关于一篇我的朋友的英语作文 100字以上

I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school.

She says we are good friends. We send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.


I have a buddy whom I'm really close to. His name is XXX, a thirteen year old guy. An outgoing and approachable guy, he has wide social connections and can click with almost anyone. His studies are also enviable and he is also a very responsible mathematics representaive of the class. His personality is really admirable and I'm really glad to have to him as a friend.



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介绍朋友的英语短文根据实际写啊 比如说 最好的朋友。 I have many friends,but ______ (人名)is my best friend.She is taller and older than me.And I'm_thinner than she.I think I'm more...

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