

12月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语辞职信格式]一般首先提出辞职申请,然后陈述辞职的理由或原因,最后陈述辞职申请的决心和个人的具体要求,希望领导解决的问题等; 4、结尾:一般为一些感谢的话,感谢领导,感谢公司的培养及表达不...+阅读







(五)署名、日期在正文右下方写上辞职人的姓名,在署名下面写具体的年、月、日。教师辞职报告范文:Dear Mr. Ben(the name of your boss):尊敬的Ben先生(老板的名字):①Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leing my position with XXX pany on August 7.请接受这封辞职信,我将于八月七日正式辞去我在XXX公司的职位。②I he allowed 30 days prior to my departure for assisting in the transition process.离职之前,我有30天时间来帮助移交工作。③Although I he enjoyed my job, I he received an offer for another pany that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.虽然很喜欢日前的工作,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位。④Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me he a reference letter before I lee.感谢您对我的关照,如果您能为我写一封推荐信,我将不胜感激。⑤I regret hing to resign from my position. I wish you and XXX the best of luck and future success.很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和XXX公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达。⑥If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.如果在工作交接期有需要我做的事情,请通知我。Sincerely,真诚的(your full name)(你的全名)范本——Resignation letter-------for personal conflict Dear Richard, After careful consideration and soul-searching, I he decided resign my position as internal auditor at ICC pany. I assure you it was not an easy - decision to make. Perhaps you he heard me mention on occasion that I would like to run my own accounting business. Ever since I graduated from #### university, this has been my long-range goal. I am thinking of applying to a graduate business school to earn an MBA in accounting and eventually to sit for the CPA exam. I suggested an effective date of January 30. if , however , you would like more time to find a replacement, I am writing to extend that by two weeks . on the other hand,of you feel that an earlier department would be more convenient to you, I will certainly understand. I cherish the experience I he received at ICC pany . I’m confident that it will be very usual to me in my future career. Sincerely yours TONY以上这篇关于英文辞职信格式为您介绍到这里,希望它对您有帮助。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友。关于更多是辞职报告尽在:辞职报告



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