

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[暑假工辞职信]引暑期工想要辞职,该怎么写一篇辞职信呢?下面是小编为大家精心整理的关于暑假工辞职信范文,欢迎阅读! 暑假工辞职信范文1: 尊敬的领导您好: 我是从 年 月 日在贵公司做*工作的暑...+阅读


pany Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip


Effective October 1, I will assume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and pensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30.

The decision was a difficult one for me because I he so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job deion has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, Ive gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities he been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, Ive been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (pany) and me.

As I go to the new position, Ill do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

Thank you for the rewarding experience Ive enjoyed during my seven-year association with the anization.

Sincerely yours

(your full name)


Dear Mr. (the name of your boss)

Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to lee my job here on September 30, 19, taking a few days of annual lee just prior to that effective date.

As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, Ive accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my first love.

Although Im eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leing the institute. You and the anization as a whole he treated me very well over the past three years. I wont fet the friendship and professional growth Ive experienced as an employee here.

Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.


(your full name)


Dear Richard,

After careful consideration and soul-searching, I he decided resign my position as internal auditor at ICC pany. I assure you it was not an easy - decision to make.

Perhaps you he heard me mention on occasion that I would like to run my own accounting business. Ever since I graduated from #### university, this has been my long-range goal. I am thinking of applying to a graduate business school to earn an MBA in accounting and eventually to sit for the CPA exam. I suggested an effective date of January 30. if , however , you would like more time to find a replacement, I am writing to extend that by two weeks . on the other hand,of you feel that an earlier department would be more convenient to you, I will certainly understand.

I cherish the experience I he received at ICC pany . Im confident that it will be very usual to me in my future career.

Sincerely yours,


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