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[英语圣诞节手抄报]英语圣诞节手抄报 圣诞节这个名称是基督弥撒的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节日,我们把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。耶稣的出生是有一段...+阅读


一. 宾语从句object clause:

一. 定义definition:


二. 连接词connections:

that: I think that you can pass the exam.

Whether/if: I dont know what the word means. Wh: I dont know what the word means.

I dont know where he found the book.

只用whether的情况: 1. 与or not连用:

I dont know whether its raining or not. 2. 与动词不定式连用:

He doesnt know whether to accept the invitation. 3. 连接词前有介词时:

It depends on whether he is ing. 三. 时态tenses:

1. 主句是一般现在时态,从句根据实际情况而定(各种时态均可) She wants to know what he has done for the exam.

2.主句是一般过去时态,从句用相应的过去的时态。 1)She said that she was a student.

2)She said that she would fly to Japan in a week.

3)She said that she had finished her homework already.

3. 如果宾语从句说的是客观真理、自然现象或事实时,这时宾语从句要用一般现在时态。

The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.

二. 定语从句 Attributive clause:

1. 定义:在复合句中修饰名词、代词的从句叫定语从句 2. 先行词指人 who /that 先行词指物 which/ that

3. 定语从句一般紧跟被修饰的名词或代词(即先行词)后


5.翻译方法 . 的 Eg.

1. Yesterday we bought a book which is really hard to understand.

2. The students who are from Maple Leaf School like learning English.

Whom: 先行词指人,则代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语(包括介词的宾语), 与who的区别是如果前面带介词则必须用whom 1. This is the teacher whom\who we like best. 2. I dont like the boy to whom you are talking. Whose : 指人或物,作定语,表示 的

eg: Harry is the boy whose mother is our math teacher.

关系代词只能 that 的特殊情况:


This is the first gift that my parents bought me. 2.先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时:

This is the most exciting film that I he ever seen. 3. 先行词是不定代词something, anything等时.

e.g. Is there anything that you want in this shop 4. 先行词是人和物时, 用that.

e.g. He talked about some writers and books that were unknown to us all.

5. 先行词被all , little , the only , the very(就是,正是), the last 等词修饰时,只能用that

e.g. This is the last place that I want to visit.

6. 特殊疑问句以who 或which 开头,只能用that引导. Who is the girl that is making a speech on the platform? 当关系代词前使用介词时:

物+介词+which 人+ 介词 + whom 当关系代词前使用介词时:

e.g. 1. This is the train by which we went to Beijing.

2. This is the teacher to whom my mother is talking.

三. 状语从句:Adverbial clauses


在复合句中由从句表示的状语称作状语从句,它可以用来修饰谓语(包括非谓语动词)、定语或状语,或是整个句子。 状语从句一般分为八大类

时间状语从句 地点状语从句 原因状语从句 目的状语从句 结果状语从句 条件状语从句 方式状语从句 让步状语从句

1. 时间状语从句

When ---当时候, 通常指某一特定的时间点,主句与从句的动作同时发生。

When I opened the window, I saw him e up. When --- 正在的时候,突然。通常主句是进行时或 be about to 时,在翻译的时候,when 可以译成没想到或突然。 I was walking along the street , when I met him.

When 当从句是进行时,主句是一般时,往往表示不满。 Someone knocked at the door when I was hing breakfast. When=after

When the children had gone to bed, she began to prepare her lessons. While ---在期间,往往指一段时间。 While we were in America, we saw him twice.

While ---表示一种不满情绪,意思是这边在干某种重要的事,而另一边在享受等。

We are cleaning the classroom while they are playing the football. As --- 一边一边, 随着

She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.

As --- 当时,指一个动作紧接着一个动作发生,从句通常用进行时。 As I was going out, it began to rain.

The moment --- 一就 =as soon as , immediately, ---Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? ---Yes, I ge her the moment I saw her. Not until --- 直到才

He didnt lee the office until he finished the work. Before --- 在之前

The passengers should arrive at the airport an hour before the flight departs. After --- 在 之后

The customer left the ticket counter after he had a quarrel with the ticket agent. Since ---自从, 通常主句用现在完成时

I he never been there again since I graduated from the university.

It is just a week since we arrived here. As soon as --- 一就

Jack went to school as soon as he got well. No sooner than --- 一就

no sooner than 用于句首要求倒装 Hardly when Scarcely when

No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. Once --- 一但就

Once you see him, you will never fet him. Every time, each time 每次whenever 每当

Each time he came to town, he would visit our school.

2. 条件状语从句


If如果, unless除非, as long as只要, As (so) far as --- 据所知,in case万一, provided that假如, on condition that若是,以为条件 If ---如果

If you dont hurry up, you will miss the plane. Unless --- 如果不, 除非=if not

We cant get there on time unless we book the earliest flight As long as --- 只要

We will succeed as long as we keep on trying. As (so) far as --- 据所知

As far as I know, he speaks English very well. In case --- 假使, 如果

The plane cannot take off in case it rains.



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