

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关学习英语作文]我们认真学习,这样才能让自己变成一个学识渊博的人。下面是有关学习英语作文,欢迎欣赏!更多精彩内容尽在作文频道。篇一:怎样成功学习一门语言 How to Learn a Language Succes...+阅读

Learn To Smile

smile is a reflection of mood , smile is a reflection of sth that you are seastified with sth. . smile can help you solce some problems , smile can means you forgive somebody that do sth wrong to you . so smile is very useful. but , not everyone know how to simle

We should learn to smile , if you meet an old friend , you should give him smile , a smile means that you welcome him a lot and ,you are happy to meet him .

We should learn to smile , if sb. do sth wrong to you , ,you should give him a smile , your smile means that it doesn't matter . and you for give him .

we should learn to smile , if we are experiencing hard period in your life , we should learn to smile to ourselves . if we do that , the hard period would became a easy case .


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