

10月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初三英语学习方法]1.认真审题,弄清要点。 很多同学草草浏览一遍试题后,下笔便写,结果因对题目的理解有误或表达不全面而丢分。因此,要把试题细读两遍,透彻理解题意,全面、准确地把握题目所提供的信...+阅读


对于我们高中生来说,英语是我们的老朋友了,那么,我们该如何学好英语呢? for our high school students, english is our old friends, so, how should we learn english well? 首先,我们要多读英语文章,以便于提高我们的语感,当然,光只有语感是不够的,我们还需要一定的理解能力,而要理解能力提高最好的办法是熟悉语法和单词 first of all, we want to read more english articles, in order to improve our language sense, of course, only the language sense is not enough light, we also need a certain understanding ability, and to understand the ability raise is the best way to be familiar with the grammar and words 学习英语的方法很多,比如通过看电视或电影来学习英语。在娱乐中学习英语对青少年来说是最有用的。当然,也可以尝试与外国人交谈,这样在交谈中也可以学到不少知识。

a lot of ways to learn english, for instance to learn english by watching tv or movies. in the entertainment learning english is the most useful for teenagers. of course, also can try to talk with foreigners, so during the conversation can also learn a lot of knowledge. 学习英语的方法自然不止这些,不同的人适用于不同的方法,我也就不说了,一起努力吧! ways to learn english naturally more than this, different people for different methods, i also don't say, work together!


Introduce my experience of learning English English is one of most important subjects for students right now, however, for most of us, it is much more difficult to learn well than other subjects.. Many classmates ask me how to learn English well since I have done well in English tests. Here are some of my experiences: 1. The more words you understand, the easier you can learn English well. The English sentences consist of many single words, which are the basic components of English. Unless you could remember lots of words and use them at the same time, you can't understand English questions well enough and give the right answer. For me, I take at least one hour a day to remember the words. 2. To learn English well, you must use it as frequently as you can, or else, it is easily for you to forget what you just learned in the class if you don't use them after class. You should use them whenever you have time and opportunities, never be afraid to make mistakes! 3. Reading is the best way to increase your English. You could review the grammar you learned from teacher during the reading. There are also other new words you never see before in plenty of articles. From reading them, you could learn new words along with improving the understanding ability of English sentences, paragraphs and whole papers. Everyone has one's own experience, hope my experience will help you to learn English


there are lots of different methods to help us study English well. i will tell some of them. and i'm willing to accept the words from you. first, one should have enough word vocabulary. how to reach this goal? to listen to it much more, to write them down time by time, to read them as frequently as possible? no! there are something even more wonderful! to sing the words with the music you are familiar with. the result is out of your imagination. second, one should watch videos as many as he can. on the videos, people can get a lot. how to speak the words, how to pronounce them, how to handle it with the grammar and so on. that's just two of my ways. do you agree with me? would you like to share yours with me?


英语: Students, the good English test, and got good grades, I study in the process, I summarized many study method, to introduce below. 1 night sleep in your mind to brush up today teacher text. 2 in the morning, the air is fresh, also don't shout, is the best of the memory. Turn to review old textbooks and review the new knowledge, preview. 3. Every day, we are learning new knowledge, will meet many don't know, can't write, unfamiliar words. I deal with this new method is to look for a small notebook, named it "when his new camps, don't know won't write, not familiar words, I put them into camp. Every day I will spare time to train them. 4 good word HaoGou every day. In life, in the study, we can hear or see many good HaoGou word. I always write them in the back, read copied. As time went by also accumulated a lot of good words HaoGou. Do you think I can study method, then use!


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英语学习方法作文英语学习方法作文 小学阶段英语课程的目的是:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们建立初步学习英语的自信心和初步运用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。 为...

关于初三英语学习方法推荐贯穿听说读写 要把一到三年级的英语单词复习一遍,把各单元的短语,语法总结归纳一下,重点课文要熟读,要背的背一背;找本语法书把初中学过语法过一遍,练听力,做习题。 对“时间”考...

初三英语暑假学习计划与方法经过暑假之后,又一届学生将由初二升入初三。进入初三之后,中考升学的问题将面对面的呈现到学生眼前,因此,每一个学生都希望自己有着更充足的准备、领先他人一步进入初三。 学生...



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