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1.cola(复数) 2.dollar(复数) 3.want(三单) 4.come(现在分词) 5.Simon(所有格) 6.much(比较级) 7.waiter(对应词) 8.eat(过去式) 9.have(过去式) 10.hungry(反义词) 二、英汉互译下列短语 1两个汉堡 2三个可乐 3多少钱 4 进来 5 坐下 6 我们所有的食品 7 Enjoy your meal 8 a cala for me 9 all our food 10 have our favourite dish 三、选择 ( )1 Is it really a dog? A Yes, it isn't. B No, it is. C No, it isn't. ( )2 What do you want to eat? A Cola B Vegetables C Book ( )3 How much is the hot dog? A Two B Three dollars C Four hot dogs ( )4 What do you drink, juice or tea? A Yes, I do. B No, I don't. C Juice, please. ( )5 ________ bananas do you want? A How much B How C How many ( ) 6 What does Simon want to drink? A He wants to drink meat. B He wants to drink tea. C He want to drink milk. ( )7 What do you want to drink? A Hamburger B Cola C Hot dog ( )8 How many sheep are there on the hill? A Ten dollars B Twenty C Ten yuan ( )9 ---Can I help you? ----I want a hamburger. ---A hamburger _______ me, too. A to B for C of ( )10 _How much is it ? _ It's ______________. A Ten dollars twenty- five cents. B Ten dollar and twenty-five cents. C Ten dollars and twenty- five cents. 四、连词成句 1.want, to , what, do, eat, you. __________________________________? 2.thirteen dollars, it, and, is, twenty-five cents. ___________________________________. 3.much, a , is, how, hamburger. ______________________________________? 4.really, a, it, hot, is, dog, _______________________________________? 5.some, I, want, noodles, too. ___________________________________. 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Does he __________(want) an apple? 2.My father _______(want) a cola and I ____(want) some milk. 3.Do you want ____________(eat) noodles ? No. 4. Can you help _________(we)? 5.Let's go and help _________ (he). 6. A cola for __________(I),please. 7. Can ____________(they) help her? I don't know. 六、阅读理解 The Whites The Whites always get up early every day. In the morning father always goes to work. Sandy and Sue always go to school. Mother usually stays at home. At noon , Sandy and Sue always have lunch at school. In the afternoon , Sandy and Sue come from school. They usually arrive home early. In the evening, Sandy and Sue always do their homework. At night, they go to bed early., but it's difficult for them to fall asleep. I 仔细阅读,判断下列句子是否正确。

正确写T,错误写F。 ( ) 1 The Whites mean all the members of Mr White's family. ( ) 2 Sandy is Mr White's daughter and Sue is his son. ( ) 3 Mr White, Sandy and Sue leave home in the morning except Mrs White. ( ) 4 Sandy and Sue can get home early in the afternoon. ( ) 5 Sandy and Sue like sleeping II 回答下列问题: 1 ----How many people are there in Mr White's family? ----There are __________________. 2. ----Who gets up early?-----The ____________________________. 3. ---Mother doesn't work in a factory , does she?----__________________________. 4.----Sandy and Sue don't have lunch at home, do they?----_____________ _____________. 5.---Do Sandy and Sue fall asleep early?----________________________________.参考资料:网上找的


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