

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[新托福听力阅读答题技巧]三种方法提高托福听力 一、辨音能力 听力的境界有高下之分,刚开始的时候,是一个单词一个单词地去听,慢慢地可以一个意群一个意群地去听,再后来,可以一个句子一个句子地去听,当然,到...+阅读


互动部分,即师生互动相对简单,无非是下列两种情况:1. 教授请学生回答问题,如让学生举例或阐述概念等等 【例1】 Prof. Ultrasound is used by many animals that detect, and some of them send out, very high frequency sounds. So what's a good example? Yes, Carol?Carol Well bets. Since they are all blind,… 教授要学生举一个使用Ultrasound的动物的例子 【例2】 Prof.So, what do you think another example of displacement activity might be?教授要学生再举一个展示displacement activity的例子 【例3】 Prof.Now we can't really talk about fairy tales without first talking about folk tales because there's a strong connection between these two genres, these two types of stories. In fact, many fairy tales started out as folk tales. So, what's a folk tale? How would you characterize them? Jeff?Jeff Well, they are… 教授要学生解释folk tale 的含义 【例4】 Prof.Now, from your reading, what do you know about Paris, about the art world of Paris during the late 19th century?教授要学生回答从阅读材料中得出的相关信息2. 学生提问教授解答:学生在听课过程中对教授讲述的知识点不能完全理解或者有疑问或者想进一步了解时对教授提问 【例1】 Stu …Um but could you maybe like clarify what the difference is?Prof.Of course, that's a fair question… 【例2】 Stu But how's that proof that the Sahara used to be a lot wetter? I mean… Prof.Okay… 【分析】 上述情况都是我们学生在平常课堂中非常熟悉的场景,因此非常容易理解。

遇到互动时,除了要认真听,尽量听懂提问和回答更要注意语气语调和分析隐含义,尤其是当教授评价学生的观点或回答时,提高警惕,此处常出重听题。教授的评价多为学生的观点或回答片面或错误,通常都是委婉指出的,不打击学生的积极性。比如”well, in this area probably. But are we typical?”,”又如”that's really a good suggestion, Karl. But that's called…” 但偶尔也出现过不留情面的,如曾经的一道考题中,教授的反馈是 ”Hmm? Oh, uh… I'm sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that.” 重听题的题干很可能是 why does the professor say this?正确答案如to indicate that the student's answer is wrong.独白部分,也就是教授一个人在讲述要点,听上去类似学术文章当中的段落。

这些独白部分的段落有一定的结构特征。常见的段落结构有下面几种:1. 阐述要点型:这种类型的段落非常接近严谨有逻辑的学术文章段落,结构是提出要点——解释要点中的术语——举例展开 ——概括要点(时有时无),讲述较具体的段落,在举例展开中可能不止一个例子,可能使用一些手法使表述更清晰,如比较或对比手法。这种类型的段落在新托福听力中很常见,具有一定的代表意义,同学们应该熟悉这种结构的套路,有助于考试时更好理解行文思路和主旨。

【例1】 Another thing that distinguishes a real language is a property we call discreteness. In other words, messages are built up of smaller parts—sentences out of words, words out of individual sounds, etc. Now, maybe you could say that the prairie dog's message is built from smaller parts, like say for example our prairie dog spots a predator, a big coyote approaching rapidly, so the prairie dog makes a call that means coyote, then one that means large and then another one to indicate its speed. But do you really suppose it makes any difference what order these calls come in? No. but the discrete units that make up language can be put together in different ways. Those smaller parts can be used to form an infinite number of messages including messages that are completely novel, that have never been expressed before. For example, we can differentiate between “a large coyote move fast” and, say um, ”move the large coyote fast”, or “move fast large coyote”, and I truly doubt whether anyone has ever uttered either of these sentences before. Human language is productive, an open-ended communication system, whereas no other communication system has this property.【例2】 And another feature of language that's not displayed by any form of animal communication is what we call displacement. That is, language is abstract enough that we can talk about things that aren't present here and now. Things like”my friends Joes is not in the room,” or ”it will probably rain next Thursday.” Prairie dogs may be able to tell you about a hawk that's ...


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