

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外贸英语函电的作业求答案满意立即采纳谢谢大神]外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have gi...+阅读

a=[1 -1.6 1.28]; b=[0.5 0.1]; n=64; pulse=[1,zeros(1,n-1)]; %单位脉冲序列 %1)单位冲激响应 h = filter(b,a,pulse); %或h1 = impz(b,a); figure

(1); stem(h); title('单位冲激响应(filter函数)'); %2)输入响应 x=zeros(1,n-1); x

(1)=1; x

(2)=2; x

(3)=3; x

(4)=4; x

(5)=5; y=convn(h,x); figure

(2); subplot(211),stem(x);title('输入') subplot(212),stem(y);title('输出') %3)求频率响应 Fs = 1000; %采样频率 [h,f]=freqz(b,a,256,Fs); mag = abs(h); %幅度 ph = angle(h); %相位 ph = ph*180/pi; %转换成度 figure

(3); subplot(211),plot(f,mag);grid on; xlabel('频率'); ylabel('幅度'); subplot(212),plot(f,ph);grid on; xlabel('频率'); ylabel('相位'); %零/极点 zr = roots(b); % 单零点: -0.2 pk = roots(a); % 双极点: 0.8±0.8j figure

(4); zplane(b,a); %极点全在单位圆内,系统是稳定的



MATLAB作业题1: A=[2 3 4; 4 2 8; 0 4 1];B=[9 0 1; 0 1 3; 9 3 0] ; A+B %加运算 A-B %减运算 A*B %乘运算 A\B %左除,A必须为方阵 A/B %右除,B必须为方阵 数组是1*n的矩阵。两者定义时就...

求解:matlab上机作业数字信号处理Computation Exercises: 1. Generate a stationary process AR(2) denoted by . Suppose that Here, the parameters of are determined by yourselves. Then generate a wh...

matlab作业题两道<p>1.</p> function m = getM(n) for i = 1 : 4 m(i,:) = (n-i+1) * ones(1,4); end<p> </p> <p>2.</p> n1 = input('Input an integer:\n n1= '); if mod(n1,2) spy; else...

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