

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[噪声作业分级的噪声作业分级]4.1 噪声作业级别 0级 安全作业 Ⅰ级 轻度危害 Ⅱ级 中度危害 Ⅲ级 高度危害 Ⅳ级 极度危害 4.2 分级方法 4.2.1 指数法 根据噪声作业实测的工作日等效连续A声级和接噪时间...+阅读


Transcripts has always been the students of the most hated,even if the students have to learn a good time to hit test,test smashed indicates the storm coming.Do not think that parents like to look at our report card,Kao Dehao is their pride,to test poorly was their shame.If one day do as they wish to do one thing,the first thing to do is not a bank robbery,not eat,drink,......is to eliminate all of the schools have given,or is to eliminate all paper and paper-making machines,let the damned exercise books and transcripts hell


physical life. It makes my attention wander. Because of these noises, I lose sleep easily. I can't concentrate on my reading material. That's why my grades have gone from bad to worse. Although I like planes, I don't like the noise made by planes. I hope that I can become an engineer in the future to improve airplane engines so they don't make those noises.机场噪音严重扰乱放学后我的生活。当飞机着陆,它的车轮使因摩擦不和谐的噪音。当飞机上面我的头苍蝇,引擎是个非常响亮的。我身体和精神上的这些噪音问题。我需要一个安静的地方学习,并且这些噪音往往令我感到紧张和不安。突然的噪声可以让我忘记我已经阅读。我总是低的学校精神。噪音不仅影响了我的精神生命,而且我的身体的生命。它使我的注意力漂移。由于这些噪音,我很容易失眠。我不能集中在我的阅读材料。



A terrible night It is 9:00 pm,and Tom is doing his homework.He can not be so careful,because his neighbors are making noises.He heard the dog barking and also someone quarreling.It is so terrible and even somebody is playing the guitar,singing and dancing so loud.So Tom asks his neighbors to be quiet,because he is doing homework.His neighbors agree.Finally,Tom can be careful again. 没有用过去式 可以自己改一下 也没用TOM做第一人称


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