

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[历史七年级下册第二单元表格填空速度!]秦 汉 前221——前206 嬴政 咸阳 秦西汉 汉 前206——公元25 刘邦 长安 西汉东汉 汉 25——220 刘秀 洛阳 东汉西晋62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333264626532 汉 2...+阅读

七年级下册的英语短文填空简单的急 !

Dear friend,

I know you are__coming___next Sunday. Let me tell you the__way___to my house.

__Take____a taxi from the airport. And then pass a bank__on___the right and go down

Wuyi Road. You go__past____Renmen Road and Wenyi road. When you see a

supermarket,turn right. Then go down Center Street and__turn____left at the post

office. My house__is____the building near it. You get out of the taxi and walk

and walk into the beautiful garden. Then you'll___find___my home. I'll__wait____you at

the door.


1.A man went into a restaurant one day. He sat down at the __1__ near the window. A waiter came up to __2__ and said, “Can I help you, sir?” The man said, “Can I see the __3__, please? I would like a __4__ meal(餐).” Then the man __5__ a lot of nice dishes. The waiter got them for him at once. The man was eating his meal. At that time a boy came in and sat down next to the man. He asked the __6__ to give him an ice-cream. The man says, “I go out __7__ a newspaper.” Then he went out. After the boy ate his ice-cream up, he __8__ and went to the door.

“__9__, your father doesn't give the money for the meal and your ice-cream,” the waiter stopped him and said.

“Father? No, I don't __10__ him. I meet him in the street. He says he can give me an ice-cream if I come here on time.”

( ) 1. A. desk B. chair C. sofa D. table

( ) 2. A. her B. him C. them D. it

( ) 3. A. newspaper B. food C. menu D. price

( ) 4. A. cheap B. good C. lot D. bad

( ) 5. A. ordered B. made C. cooked D. ate

( ) 6. A. waiter B. man C. boy D. father

( ) 7. A. with B. as C. for D. and

( ) 8. A. sat down B. stood up C. went to bed D. had a rest

( ) 9. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Hello D. OK

( ) 10. A. like B. help C. know D. tell

答案: 1-5 DBCBA 6-10 ACBBC

2.Mr Green is a teacher of E__(1)___. He is not a young man, but is not o__(2)__. He knows three or four languages, and he reads and speaks and writes them w__(3)___. He reads many b___(4)___ and writes some.

It's about 11'o clock, but he works l__(5)____,sometimes till one o'clock in the evening. His big desk is in the m___(6)___of the room. On the floor n___(7)___ it are some books. His students come to his study room for their l__(8)___. They come every d___(9)___ except Saturday and Sunday. They think those days are very h___(10)___.

答案:English;old;well;books;late;middle;near;lessons;day; happy.


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