

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[新目标七年级上册英语]1.Do you like healthy food?(改为同义句)Do you like(good) food? 2.Why do we eat vegetables and fruit? Because (they are good for our health) 3.You shouldn't eat too...+阅读


Tomorrow Is Sunday

Tonorrow is Sunday.I often get up late on Sundays.But I'm going to get up early tomorrow morning.We are going to a park.The park is not very far from our school.It's only 5 kilometres away.We can go there by bike.I'm sure we are going to have a good time.

1.What day is it today?

2.where are we going tomorrow?

3.How far is the park?

4.How can we go to the park?

5.将“We can go there by bike."进行同义句转换。


1,It's Saturday.

2.We are going to a park.

3.It's about 5 kilometres away from my school.

4.We can go there by bike.

5.We can ride to get there.


There is a big old tree near my house,A black bird lives in the tree,Every day I take food to the tree,The bird sees me and comes down.The food is in my hand.The bird comes to my hand and eats the food.After that it goes back to the tree.

I give some food to the bird.every day.And so bird knows me.I like bird and the bird likes me,We are good friends.

( b)1.What's in the tree?

A.Big black bird B.A black bird

C.An old black bird D.A big black bird

( a)2.Why does the bird come down?

A.Because some food is in my hand.

B.Because the bird eats some food.

C.Because the bird likes food.

D.Because the bird eats good food.

( c)3.Where does the bird go back?________

A.My hand B.The house C.The tree D.In the hand

( c)4.When do I give some food to the bird?

A.At noon B.Every morning C.Every day D.Every evening

( c)5.Why does the bird know me?

A.Because the bird eats food every day.

B.Because the bird lives in my house.

C.Because I give some food to the bird every day.

D.Because I put some food in my hand.


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