

12月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关光棍节的英语作文120160]您是我心目中最敬重的好老师,您虽然十分严厉,但是您把一颗心扑在我们身上.您起早贪黑,琢磨着更好的教学方法.您就像蜡烛一样,让我感到前途无限的光明,却燃烧了自己. 树木的成长,离...+阅读


1. breakfast 2. music class

dinner English class

lunch math class

3. go to school 4. one thirty

go home one forty go to bed one fifty get up one twenty

1. brown jacket ______________ 2. white sweater ______________ 3. green skirt ______________ 4. red shirt ______________ 5. blue jeans ______________ 6. yellow dress ______________ 7. black shoes ______________ 8. orange shorts ______________ 9. pink pants ______________ 10. purple socks ______________

A. canteen B. garden C. teacher's office D. gym E. playground

F. library G. art room H. music room I. computer room J. washroom

1. ---What colour is your sweater? --- It's ___________ (红色的). 2.My shirt is ____________ (白色的). 3. My jeans are ____________ (蓝色的). 4. My socks are ____________ (黄色的). 5. My pants are ____________ (绿色的).

6. It's eight o'clock. It's time for ____________ (语文)class. 7. It's nine o'clock. It's time for _____________ (数学)class. 8. It's ten o'clock. It's time for _____________ (英语)class. 9. It's eleven o'clock. It's time for ___________ (音乐)class. 10. It's three o'clock. It's time for __________ (体育)class.


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