
go for it新课标英语七年级上册第八单元课文

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[四年级下册英语对话]A:shop assistant(营业员)B:mother C:child1 (假设叫Helen) D:child 2(假设叫Lily) A:Can I help you? B:I'd like to buy something.What would you like,girls? C:I'd like a ha...+阅读

2b Read the school notice and list the activities and the dates. Dear students, We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon. October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school. Next month, we have an art festival. It's on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library. This is a really busy term! Have a goodtime!


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