

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[五年级上册语文配套练习册5页阅读答案]一、凌空 呼啸 顿然 领略 栅栏 抵御 二、漓 篱 漓 璃 狭 峡 挟 峡 飘 瓢 漂 飘 倘 徜 淌 倘 三、近义词:围绕——环绕 明丽——明艳 期待——等待 规划——计划 反义词:扩散—...+阅读

You look so _______(worry).What happened?

The father said to his son ________(angry):you

made the same mistake again!"

Let's ______(read) the passage loudly.

This pen is blue,it's ______(I).The yellow one

is _____(you).

Some of ________(they) come form Germany.

Jill _______(not do) his homework yesterday.

You have __________(wait) for Miss Wang,her bus

is late.

They want_________(go) to the park _______

(play) football.

I'd like _______(have) a cup of coffee and a

bowl of nooodles.

It's not hard work for you _______(make) a car

model by yourself.

______ you _______(do) martial arts at the gym?

What ______you ________(go) yesterday morning?

What ________(happened) in the year of 2008?

What ______ Sherry _________(do) when China got into the World Cup?

Where ________ you _________(go) for the coming holiday?


worried, angrily, read,mine, yours, them, didn't do, to wait, to go, to play,to have, to make, Do do, did do, happened, was doing, are, going


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