

05月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一篇六年级的作文描写秋天的]秋天的美丽 告别盛夏的最后一缕热情,我也随之缓缓步入了秋的纯静.那份凄凉,那份寂静,让我们休会到了"自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝"的豪情感慨.让我们有了"采菊东篱下,悠然见南山"...+阅读


New Year's Eve night, our family together. Afternoon before we go to the grandmother, and to not long, nor to an uncle. Joking with us, each other a happy new year, and unknowingly to the dinner on time. We have come to the table before, today's meals extra rich, delicate and delicious dishes, delicious-smelling, I desire, big Sinseong-hoe. After dinner, the elders began to fat lucky money, get red, we are all very pleased

英语作文 6年级

Our school have a big and tidy library.It open every Monday to Friday 8 o'clock to 17 o'clock.There are many books in it.We often to get there borrow books after school.We can borrow a book a day.And there is a reading room in the library.There are many newspaper and magazines.We can reading and study at here. 差不多吧..谢谢


I: it's on the desk? Dad: no, it isn't. I: it in the bottom of the bed? Dad: no, it isn't. I: it is in bookcase? Dad: no, it isn't. I: it is by the computer? Dad: no, it isn't. I: Oh, look, dad, it on the sofa. Dad: oh, yes, thank you! 翻译: 我:它在桌子上吗? 爸爸:不,它不在。 我:它在床底吗? 爸爸:不,它不在。 我:它在书柜里吗? 爸爸:不,它不在。 我:它在电脑旁吗? 爸爸:不,它不在。 我:Oh,看啊爸爸,它在沙发上! 爸爸: 哦,是的,谢谢! 希望有帮助哦……呵呵~~


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写一篇六年级英语万圣节的作文50字并带中文翻译Friday night, my classmates and I went to the bond for halloween.Stand in the gate of the bond, there is a huge, scary ghost to meet us, as if entered to the de...

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