

12月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2017中考语文作文素材]2017中考语文作文素材【1】 太阳隐去,夜幕降临,一轮空灵的月亮悬挂在空中,向大地倾吐着光辉。 蛐蛐也不鸣叫了,沉醉其中,回味着那已过去的光阴。 临近盛夏,天气渐渐闷热起来,当最后...+阅读


It was a sunny day, and I sat under a tree with a story book in my hand. When I open the book, a childish voice entered my ears, Sister Hui, Play games with me, OK? It was the daughter of my neighbors, she was only four years. I am sorry, Xiao Mei. I he to read the book. Go there and play with yourself, OK?

Maybe half an hour later, Xiao Meis grandma came and asked in impatiently, He you seen Xiao Mei? I raised my head, Just there! But I saw nobody there. Where is she? Her grandma was in great suspense. I dont know, just now I saw her there. Lets look around. We looked here and there, but we couldnt find Xiao Mei. Will she be in danger? The grandma looked very grief. River! Maybe she is there. I cried. When we came to the river, the water was peaceful. Maybe she has fell into the river. The grandma screamed. She called some young people, and they jumped into the river. At that time, I felt very fear, and I was afraid that Xiao Mei was in the river.

Ten minutes later, a man cried, I caught something! Then we saw a girl surface, and she was Xiao Mei. Xiao Mei! Xiao Mei! Her Grandma stretched out her arms to her. She put her on the floor, placed her hands just above her stomach, pressed in and in. Water flew out from Xiao Meis mouth. Some time later, the doctor came; after examined carefully, he shook his head, I am sorry. It was too late. Her grandma burst out crying, How could I tell your mother and father? Why did you go to the river? I he told you many times not to play with water. Why? However, Xiao Mei couldnt hear the painful call. She slept forever.

Now, many people he fotten this event, but I cant. Maybe I feel regretful. If in that day I played with Xiao Mei, the tragedy wouldnt happen. So lovely a girl, she should grow up happily, but because of my negligence, she lost her life.


This morning, I take my first taste on seeking family education with a high heart-lever. In latest, I he summonned up my encourage to carry out this trel, and regulate myself that I will not do work at a payment lowing 20RMB per hour at least for self-thought that I am hold an impressive proficiency of English and an outstanding condition.

After a string of waiting time, I welcame the first customer, a couple. Leading a mutual chinchin, our talking seemed going smoothly before refering to the wages. The man said: How much you want get per hour. I though deeply and ge a reply: OK, 20 is moderate. The women interfered: But I he noticed that other tutors just require for a specific pay under 15! I promptly conscioused that all my particularly excellent conditions descend to an ignorable position when refering to wealth. Merely I can lee an so-called engagement for excluding unexpective circumstances...

Yes, I am on the way of reaching adultness, the bricks-and-mortar world is not as absolute as I believe. Not a popular character I can be only in own mind. Yes, I should on days ahead conduct every step on the sea-lever. Illusion is virtual, my agenda is need to be foot by foot. I am sure that one day current days are abount to bee to what I fantasize now!



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