

11月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读


First, the work of curriculum vitae:

A. Work experience:

1. June 2001 to December 2002 Science Park Co., Ltd. Zhuhai XX Division serving the post production engineer, is responsible for new product introduction, production and improvement in the development of process documentation, process improvements.

Jun 2001 to Dec 2002, works as a production engineer in the engineering department of XX Science Technology Park (this is a specific, proper nouns, you can not be translated) in Zhuhai, in charge of leading-in new product, analyzing and improving production, establishing process document, improving process.

2. From December 2002 to July 2004, Zhuhai Electronics Co., Ltd. XX Division in charge of product engineering office. Engineer is responsible for guiding the pletion of new products into production and engineering management, including the early development of electronic ponents / debugger, structural ponents of the open mode to follow up, structural change.

Dec 2002 to Jul 2004, director of engineering department of (Zhuhai XX Electronics Co., Ltd., the pany name to write their own right, the wrong turn on the stock)., In charge of guiding engineer to plete leading-in new product and managing the department, including develop / debug electronic ponents, die sinking of structural ponent, structural modification.

3.2004 to date 8 years in Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Zhuhai XX as a procurement engineer, is responsible for new product development of new materials required for procurement, including supplier development, evaluation, and determine the price quotation, sample confirmed later, such as cost and quality control.

Aug 2004 to NOW, work as Procurement Engineer in (Zhuhai XX Medical Technology Co., Ltd. reasons ibid), responsible for the procurement of necessary materials in new product development, including develop new supplier, evaluate quotation and fix price, confirm sample, late cost and quality control.

Second, the ability to work:

B. Ab


1, familiar with the process manufacturing industries, the engineering process of the formulation, implementation, management has some experience. A two-year project management experience.

Familiar with the process of manufacture industry, the process of project formulation. Experienced in management. A two-year project management experience.

2, familiar with the procurement process with suppliers to develop, review and negotiation experience, rich materials and some electronic ponents procurement experience and hardware channels.

Familiar with the procurement process. Experienced in supplier development, evaluation and negotiation. (Omitted: There are more rich in materials and part of electronic ponents procurement experience and hardware channels. Feel no need, wordy.)

3, familiar with the basic circuit analysis, familiar with the various electronic ponents can be skilled to use PROTEL99 cloth boards circuit board work.

Familiar with the basic circuit analysis and electronic ponents. Skilled in using PROTEL99.

4, to understand the process of ISO9000, with ERP experience.

Understand of the ISO 9000 process, experienced with ERP.

5, able to skillfully use AUTOCAD2000. Familiar with the WINDOWS operating system, a number of proficiency in the use of monly used software.

Excellent AUTOCAD2000 user, good at all office software.

6, good in English, can read information on professional English, written munication with customers.

Fluent in English, native speaker of Chinese. (A word is enough, I am Chinese, along with fluent English)

7, good munication skills (country, Cantonese fluently), human-friendly, with a strong sense of responsibility, of doing things calm, to consider the issue of prehensive principles, adhered to a strong and motivated.

Skilled in munication, easy to get along with, with strong sense of responsibility. (Say more than useless, it is a good point.)

References: respect for translation in hand, despise the whole machine.



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