

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


1. ought to应当,应该

2. keep up with跟上,赶上

3. plenty of许多,大量的(作定语)

4. in plenty许多,丰富(作状语)

5. make a choice做出选择

6. now and then偶尔,时而

7. prepare a dish做一道菜

8. a balance diet均衡饮食

9. be/go on diet在节食

no longer不再

10. be based on/upon以为基础

take medicine吃药

11. be harmful to对有害

12. offer advise about/on提的建议

13. lose weight减肥

14. cut into pieces把切碎

15. gain weight=put on weight增肥

16. make up for补偿

17. get along with和相处

18. put up with忍受

19. go for sb对某人也一样

20. in large amount大批地

21. be short of=be lacking of 缺乏,缺少

22. do up ones hair做发型

23. refer to查阅,提到

24. settle down定下心来,安家落户

25. settle up付清,结账

26. settle for勉强同意,接受

27. settle in(使)习惯(环境等)

28. settle on定居(短暂停留)

of high/good quality高质量的

29. sign an agreement with与达成协

30. in relation to与有关的

31. but for要不是

32. thanks to由于,幸亏

33. apart from除之外

34. hand down传下来

35. and so on等等

36. in ancient time在古代

37. go against违背

38. guide to(介词)指导

39. of (no) effect(无)效

40. take effect生效,奏效

41. bring/carryinto/to effect实施

42. e/go into effect开始实施

43. depend on/upon依靠

44. That/It (all) depends.这很难说。

i. stand for代表

45. in condition身体好

46. out of condition身体不好

47. on condition that.如果,条件是

48. in/under forable conditions在有利形势下

49. bring in引进,赚钱

a) year after year年复一年

50. Point out指出

51. make use of利用

52. tongue twister绕口令

a) be on good terms (with sb.)关系好

53. drive off开走,击退

54. look onas把看作

55. Ahead of更前,更早

56. give sb a hand给某人帮助

57. Get through通过,到达

58. tear down拆毁

59. Hold up举起

60. Intend to do sth打算做某事

61. Intend to he done本想做(而没能做)

62. Intendfor=be intended for供用

63. Dress up打扮,装饰

64. in ones opinion依某人之见

65. Play a trick on sb开某人玩笑

66. take in收容,理解,包含,欺骗

67. Be determined to do sth下决心做

68. Gift money压岁钱

69. fire works鞭炮

70. Se money存钱

71. ask for a day off请一天假

72. Happen to meet碰巧遇见

73. be jealous of sb嫉妒某人

74. Believe in信仰

75. dress up as装扮成,打扮成

76. Do crime犯罪

77. light up照亮

78. Do honor to sb=do sb honor礼遇某人,对某人表示敬意

79. On purpose=by accident故意地

80. care for喜欢,照顾

81. Make fool of愚弄

82. in other words换句话说

83. hope for对希望

84. seek after追求

85. A similar to B A和B相似

86. take on呈现

87. Or else或者

88. personal affair隐私

89. Date back to =date from始于,追溯到

90. Appreciate good food欣赏美味

91. suitto使适合于

92. Be suit to/for适合于

93. In all direction朝四面八方

94. in direction=in direction of朝的方向

95. under the direction of在的指导下

96. Follow ones directions遵照某人的指示

97. Be angry with sb for sth因生某人的气

98. be likely to很有可能

99. make fun of取笑

100.No laughing matter不是闹着玩的

101.existin 存在于

102.Get into contact with sb与某人取得联系

103.Make contact with sb与某人联络

104.(be) in contact with 与有交往

105.lose/break contact with与失去联系

106.go ahead 前进

107.be crazy about对着迷

108.go into details细说

109.in detail详细地


111.occur to sb使某人突然想到

112.fell down感到闷闷不乐

113.in a hurry匆忙地

114.accept as认为是

i. bring on引发

115.make oneself done使被

116.make conversation交谈

117.he/hold a conversation with与交谈

118.be in conversation with与谈话中


120.ivide between/among把分给

121.achieve success获得成功

122.an injured look一副受冤的表情

123.call on 拜访(某人)

a) call at拜访(某地)

124.bring back拿回来,使恢复

125.day and night日日夜夜地

126.pay off还清

127.at most 至多

128.a number of许多

129.a great deal of许多

i. pick out挑出,辨别出

130.test on在做实验

131.be continued 未完待续

132.pay back偿还,报复

133.sth of good/poor quality质量好的

134.would rather宁愿

135.after all毕竟

136.be well worth 很值得

137.without luck运气不好

138.in the hope of doing抱着的希望

139.bring about引起,导致

140.bring up哺育

141.belong to sb/sth属于

142.without limit无限地

143.run/take a risk冒险

144.limitto 把限制在

a) at risk处于危险中

145.at any risk不顾一切

146.at the risk of冒着的危险

147.to ones sorrow使悲伤的是

148.than usual 比平常

149.badly off贫穷的

150.bear/take ones share of负担的部分

151.keepat harms length保持的距离

152.a total failure一个彻底的失败者

153.se the situation收拾局面

154.trade in以交方式购入

155.trade with从事贸易

156.be popular with受的欢迎

157.culture of mind and body身心修养

158.(be)of (no) use有(无)用

159.putto use利用

160.to ones knowledge 据某人所知

161.express oneself表达自己的意思


163.means of transport交通方式

164.together with=as well as也

165.against to the wall靠着墙

166.without a sound悄无声息地

167.pull out把拉上来

168.not later than不迟于

169.get close to接近

170.just as 恰如

171.without turning a hair毫不畏惧

172.in disorder混乱

173.be familiar with 熟悉

174.rushed off ones feet忙于工作

175.at work忙于工作

176.n the go奔波

177.go through with 完成

178.at one go一口气

179.miss ones turn 错过

180.be devoted to sb喜欢某人

181.todegree 达到程度

182.succeed in doing sth成功的做了某事

183.do about处理 应付

184.clear away清除打扫

185.go out熄灭

186.push open推开

187.be up to sb 由某人决定

188.tire out筋疲力尽

189.not a bit = not at all一点也不

190.there is no doubt毫无疑问

191.be willing to do = like to do愿意

192.a number of 若干 ,一些

193.the rule of conduct行为准则

194.charge a pipe给烟斗塞烟

195.be charged with充满

196.tear at sth撕扯


198.explain sth to sb = explain to sb sth向某人解释某事

199.fasten ones eyes to sb眼睛盯着某人

200.in tears哭泣,掉泪

201.end in a tie以平局结束

202.in your own words用你自己的话

203.e into use开始使用

204.cant help doing忍不住

205.stopfrom doing阻止

206.lee sth done 让做

207.by choice 出于选择

208.for choice要选就选

209.ask after sb问候某人

210.give away赠出,让出

211.set the scene为某事做准备

212.full dress盛装

213.a pieces of jewellery一件珠宝

214.look about/around 警戒

215.look on旁观

216.look through浏览

217.look up to尊敬

218.act for代理

219.act on/upon对起作用

220.know of听说过

221.by chance偶然地

222.by mistake由于疏忽

223.be in use在使用中

224.make a great discovery完成一项重大任务

225.bringto use= put to use加以利用

226.call sb names谩骂某人

227.in the name of以的名字

228.in change主管

229.free of change免费

230.at ones own change自费

231.out of control失去控制

232.be particular about对挑剔

a) knock over撞翻

233.lay down ones life献出生命

234.a man of name知名人士

235.turn in归还,交上

236.carry on research进行研究

237.take up research开始研究

238.act against违反

239.speak against发表抨击

240.little by little逐渐地

241.out of date这时的

242.up to date最新式的

243.to date 到目前为止

put a date to sth注明日期

244.set/fix the date确定日期

245.keep a date赴约

246.go off 出发,爆发(机器等停止)

247.go into详细调查

248.go by 走过,流逝

249.go beyond超越

250.go about 四处走走,开始

251.around the corner即将来临,在拐角处

252.die down平息

253.e to terms with甘心忍受

254.what else而且

255.be about to即将开始

256.at the top of ones voice大声地

257.self rescue自救

258.be mean with对吝啬

259.take shelter躲避

260.work with sb对起作用

261.smell of闻出的味道

262.break up弄碎

263.hold up阻滞

264.a threatening letter恐吓信

265.somehow or other设法,想办法

266.admire sb as钦佩某人是

267.admire sb for sth 钦佩某人的

268.admire oneself in the mirror照镜子

269.rise/e to fame 成名

270.opposite to 在对面

271.to ones regret 使某人遗憾的是

272.be surrounded with/by被围绕

273.get/gain/take possession of占有,占领

274.make up组成,构成,凑足

275.turn to转向,求助于

276.go sailing 驾船航行

277.go camping宿营

278.e into ones possession被某人占有

279.in ones possession=in the possession of sb被某人据有

280.(be) in possession of持有,拥有

281.零 散 记 忆


283.e.g.: Only in this way will we be ready for the

284.the only/just/very/first + n.+ that(who)+定从


286.be of + 抽象名词,表具有

287.begin to do 和begin doing

a) 一般情况下意思相同,但 1)begin为现在进行时时;

288.2)当begin后为think,realise等类词时,只用to do。

289.Make it (F.O) +adj+to do sth.

290.To,on,in 在表方位时:

a) on表接壤 2)in在范围之内 3)to不接壤

291.7、hope: 1)+that-clause 2)+to do 3)+for sth

292.a/the way (that) +定语从句

293.to do 和v-ing 做主语和宾语:

294.to do一次性和具体性;v-ing表经常性延续性

295.sothat 如此以致于引导结果状从句。



a) so+adj./adv.+that such+a(n)+adj.+n.+that

b) such+adj.+U.C.N.+that



300.12、a great many+n.(pl.),当此名词前有限定词如the ,these,those等,则用a great many of

301.13、系表结构 stay+adj. 一直保持某种状态

302.14、only to do sth 这一结构常作结果状语,用以指随即发生的意料之外的事,有反而,却之意。

303.15、 advise(n. advice) 建议,忠告

304. 1)advise+n./pron. 2)advise sb. (not) to do sth

305.3)advise doing sth 4)advise sb.+clause(虚拟语气)

306.16、the reason 与for连用表语从句只用that引导

307.17、used to:

1. used not to +动词原形=usednt to+动词原形

308.did not use to+动词原形=didnt use to+动词原形



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