[请示写作的注意事项]请示写作的注意事项 请示公文是一种下级向上级请求指示、批准的上行文,在社会正常的工作程序和结构中,与其他种类的公文一样,有着自己特殊的功用与意义。尤其在当今特定的历史...+阅读
Name: .wenshubang./ Nationality: Chinese
Current location: Guangzhou National: Han
Account Location: Hunan stature: 162 cm ? 45 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years old
Training and Certification: Integrity Badges:
Job intentions and work experience
Talent Type: General Job ?
Position: Sales Assistant: sales assistant, customer service representative / missioner / Assistant: Customer Service,
Work Experience: 3 Title: No Title
Job type: Full-time Date Available: anytime
Salary requirements: 2000 - 3500 hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou
Personal Work Experience: pany Name: Guangdong Educational Information Technology Co., Ltd. all-pass Clear beginning and ending :2007-08
pany nature: private-owned sectors: electrical, electronics, munications equipment
Positions include: Account Manager
Job Deion: 1, is responsible for customer training within the region, including training courseware and training materials for the preparation and production.
2, background information and timely processing platform and customer back-end message to ensure that client data can be normal operation.
3, efforts to plete the monthly service targets, timely pletion of weekly, monthly revenue reports and monthly summing up the work.
4, on a regular basis to municate with customers, urging customers to use more platform, the pany's products enhance the end-user perception of degree. Service in the existing customer base for business colleagues secondary business development data.
5, with colleagues in unity and cooperation within the region, so that the team has won, the monthly performance champion, individuals he repeatedly rated excellent service role models.
Reason for leing: Application to resign
pany Name: Hunan Baolong Decoration Materials Co., beginning and ending to Clear :2006-06
pany nature: private-owned business: real estate, construction, installation, decoration
Positions: Sales Assistant
Job Deion: 1, responsible for munication between distributors within the region to follow up on dealer stores opening opening scene of construction and to help store sales.
2, according to the pany's overall sales strategy changes in a timely manner during the pany issued to the dealer sales of policies to ensure that the overall sales goals.
3, region manage
r for follow-up to assist distributors as well as payment of the purchase recycling work, and regularly submit applications for dealer advertising.
4, on a regular basis the areas where the market surveys to collect information on petitors, industry and region manager for timely reporting.
Reason for leing: Application to resign
pany Name: Changsha he roots beginning and ending business services limited liability pany Clear :2006-02
pany nature: the private sector by sector: E-merce
Positions: Group buy Service
Job Deion: 1, on a regular basis in the pany's website, forums, and customer service QQ group released Group buy information.
2, collection and other forums and sites back channels, the intention of customers and promptly update the group tours to the situation.
3, is responsible for Group buy on-site customer reception and negotiation.
4, municating with suppliers to coordinate delivery and installation of the situation.
Reason for leing: Application to resign
Graduate colleges: College of Hunan Mass Media
Supreme Education: college graduation date: 2006-06-01
A learned profession: professional editing and publishing what they he learned 2:
By the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School (institutional) professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No.
2003-092006-06 Hunan Mass Media Institute of Editing and Publishing大专毕业证
2004-042004-06 the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Secretary, Secretarial national vocational qualification certificate 4
Language: English General
Mandarin level: fluent in Cantonese level: good
The ability to work and other expertise to
The work of three years, one year and two years of experience in channel sales assistant customer service experience, participated in secretarial training, and has made the Secretary of vocational qualification certificates. Familiar with the basic office processes, has strong writing skills, proficient use of Word, Excel, PPT and other office software, good at learning, at work, has always been the pursuit of practical prudence, but also understand that a person should do a job alone a dice drive does not work, also need to he a strong willpower and team spirit.
Detailed personal autobiography
Personal contact
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