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[行政介绍信范例精选]对于持信人而言,介绍信具有介绍、证明双重作用。你了解行政介绍信该怎么写吗?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的行政介绍信。望大家采纳。 行政介绍信范文篇一 ()字第号 xxx: 兹...+阅读


Name: Miss Li Sex: Female

Date of Birth: 1981-2-19 Marital status: unmarried

Nationality: Chinese Folk: Han

Height: 162CM political landscape: the masses

Education: graduated from college Time: June 2003

Residence: place of residence is in Shenzhen, Guangdong: Shenzhen, Guangdong

Occupational Overview / job interest

Are engaged in the industry: microelectronics are engaged in electronic Occupation: Personnel Manager / supervisor

Level posts are: intermediate positions (for more than two years work experience) Work Experience: 5 years

Current salary: Overseas work experience: No

Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Shenzhen, Guangdong

Expect to engage in the industry: E-Microelectronics

Wholesale and retail

Inter e-merce

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Exhibition PR Advertising

Expect to engage in Occupation: Personnel Manager / supervisor

Executive Manager / supervisor

Customer Service Supervisor

Sales Assistant

Director of Marketing

Salary expectations:到岗time: interview

Self-evaluation / career goals


Educational background

School Name: Zhejiang University (2008 3 months - June 2010)

Professional title: Business and Management Education: Undergraduate

Professional Deion: Business Management Consultants, International Trade Theory and Practice, Financial Management, business strategy, Financial Theory and Practice, anizational behior, Principles of Management, puter Application Management System, enterprise accounting, Production and Operations Management, Introduction to Business Management, Marketing

School Name: Hubei Xianning College (August 2000 - 2003 6 months)

Professional Name: Tourism Management Education: tertiary

Professional Deion: Hotel Management, national tour based on knowledge, Tourism Economics, Hubei guide based on knowledge, Management, Trel Regulations, Business Guide, public relations, tourism Psychology , professional ethics and etiquette of courtesy

Work experience

pany Name: Stephen Lee in Beijing, Shenzhen Electronics Co., Ltd. (July 2006 - 2008年12月)

Industry: Electronics Microelectronics nature: private. Private enterprises

Size: 200

500 people work:

Job Title: Personnel Manager / Director of the Office of

Job Deion: The Department is responsible for all administrative matters, reports directly to the general manager, familiar with social security, the new labor law and the work processes of government departments. Specific tasks include: monitoring wage accounting, performance evaluation; in accordance with the characteristics of its own drafting, the development of the pany's rules

and regulations; the declaration of the pany license and examined the processing; the development of the pany's training program for new recruits conduct pre-job training; and munication between various departments and liaison; cultural and sports activities, tourism activities in the anization, the reception of external public relations and related matters. Familiar with the ISO9001 quality management system, involved in the work of ISO OIA. Can withstand the pressure of work with the spirit of continuous learning, more responsible than others working attitude.

pany Name: Shenzhen Rainbow Shopping Center Co., Ltd. (September 2003 - 2006 6 months)

Their trades: the nature of wholesale and retail panies: Sino-foreign joint venture (joint venture. Co-operation)

Size: more than 1000 place of work:

Job Title: Personnel Assistant

Job Deion: During the post as the post of Personnel Manager, primarily responsible for the management of personnel files, payroll accounting, personnel, social security, employee recruitment and into the separation process, the pany handling all types of licenses and examined; a result of hard work after a serious transferred to the General Desk malls in charge of the post office, shopping center is mainly responsible for dealing with customer plaints and feedback tracking, shopping malls free bus management and scheduling, management of shopping centers in the outsourcing agreement units, as well as the overall image of shopping malls and the external links, etc. , in-service business during the skilled technical and managerial capacity in the team achieved excellent results, with their own anizational, management, planning, co-ordination ability of the pany in 2004 individuals, while the host's team won the honorary title of advanced collective ; late again the scene transferred to the sale of shopping centers as petent Area, the main supplier of munication and contact to ensure that the sale of shopping centers, pleted the sale of shopping centers and sales activity goals.

Language ability

Vocational skills

Vocational skills:

Training experience

Training institutions: the Shenzhen Institute of Technology (July 2006 - 2007 5 months)

Course Title: Assistant Human Resources Manager Certificate:

Training institutions: Shenzhen Guoxin Certified Training Center Co., Ltd. (March 2004 - 2004年3月)

Course Title: ISO9000 system of Internal Audit Certificate: Internal Audit staff qualification certificates

Training institutions: Hubei Xianning College (4 in 2002 months - June 2002)

Course Title: Certificate in secretarial office: Secretary of the National Intermediate certificate




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