

05月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com



How does your mother describe you? 你的母亲认为你是个怎样的人?

只有外国面试官会这样提问, 因为他不了解中国的国情。在中国, 有两类母亲, 一类母亲是传统型的中国妇女, 从来不会夸奖自己的孩子; 另一类母亲是80后的现代母亲, 因为只有一个孩子而看不到孩子任何的缺点。在面试中, 你不妨把中国的这种文化传递给面试官, 以使面试气氛更加轻松有趣。

回答示范1: Well, its an interesting question. It reminds me of a Chinese saying, the best child is your own child, and the best wife are others wives. It means a man or woman is always satisfied with his/her own child, but not with the spouse, hehe. My mother is just like this. She tells everybody that I am hard working, more hard working than I should be. She says I am trustworthy and independent, never giving her troubles. You know, she sent me to boarding school at 14.

点评1: 这个回答很好, 它有两个优点: 第一, 比较有趣, 轻松地传播了一点中国文化; 第二, 以事实说明了自己的刻苦与自立的特征。

回答示范2: Most Chinese parents are not quite as expressive as western parents. My mother has never told me what kind of person she thinks I am, but I feel if you ask her, she would say that Im a good kid. I never give her trouble. You know, as a kid, I was healthy, seldom went to hospital. As a student, I never needed her to push me to study. As a son, I give her a call several times a week to ask how she is doing and to tell her about myself.

点评2: 很诙谐很感人的回答!

回答示范3: Well, I think my mother would describe me as hard working, independent, but too independent, stubborn is her very word, hehe. My mother says Im hard working because its true, I am a bit of a workaholic. She says I am independent because she sent me to boarding school at 14 and I took very good care of myself. But maybe because she sent me away at a young age, Ive learnt to make my own decisions instead of consulting her, so she feels I am stubborn, hehe.

点评3: 有优点, 有缺点, 非常真实。


1.Mature, dynamic and honest.


2.Excellent ability of systematical management.


3.Ability to work independently.


4.A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.


5.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.


6.Work well with a multicultural work force.


7.Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.

愿意在压力下工作, 并具领导素质。

8.Willing to assume responsibilities.


9.Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

思想成熟、上进心强, 并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。

10.Energetic, fashion-minded person.


11.Strong determination to succeed.


12.Be highly anized and efficient.

工作很有条理, 办事效率高。

13.Be elegant and with nice personality.


14.With good managerial skills and anizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。


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