

05月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Familiar with the machining process, work flow and rich team construction, expansion, on-site production management and coordination experience; with 6 years engaged in precision mold working with passion.

Strong teamwork spirit; good at team work and strong adaptability.

Practical experience in the operation, programming, maintenance and machine tool management of general machine tools and CNC (CNC) machine tools

熟悉机械加工工艺、工作流程和具有丰富的团队组建、扩充,现场生产管理与协调经验; 具有6多年从事精密模具富有工作激情.


强调团队合作精神; 善于团队工作,适应能力强,是一个能迅速掌握所需要的技术知识的人。



Be honest, work actively.

Strong anizational skills, social skills and good team work spirit.

Hobbies: social, sports, puters, reading, to accept new things

I know that in todays society is a society full of petition, the increasingly high demand for talent quality, and the mechanical discipline, is a plex system engineering, it has a close relationship with the puter and electronic machinery, and needs more practice and hands-on skills.

So, in addition to my hard work, I also learned a lot of knowledge about electronics and puters.

Other requirements: usually work hard to learn the operation of CNC familiar with the process, and then learn puter aided software automatic programming, to achieve their own value!

Hobbies: lively and cheerful personality, a strong sense of responsibility, good munication and learning, a strong anizational skills.

Love sports, movies, novels, swimming, basketball



兴趣爱好: 社交、体育运动、电脑、阅读,接受新鲜事物

我深知,当今社会是充满竞争的社会,对人才能力素质的要求越来越高,而机械这门学科,是一个庞杂的系统学科, 它与计算机和电子有着密不可分的关系,而且机械更需要实践和动手的技能。

所以,我除了在学习上狠下工夫外,还自学了 有关电子和计算机方面的很多知识。

其他要求: 通常努力学习CNC的操作熟悉加工工艺,然后再学习 计算机辅助软件自动编程,来实现自身价值!




Good working attitude, good at studying, he strong learning ability, more than ten years of experience in maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment, and can find out the cause of the malfunction.

To repair the circuit board (a plete set of spare parts to assemble their own words), injection molding machine plate, maintenance of a pressure flow proportional valve, variable pump and hydraulic system.

Modified core pulling MITSUBISHI in the PLC (neutron) program, which is more practical





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