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[行政总监助理个人简历表格]姓 名:行政总监助理个人简历表格性 别:女民 族:汉族出生年月:1987年12月28日证件号码:婚姻状况:未婚身 高:158cm体 重:80kg户 籍:广东湛江现所在地:广东湛江毕业学校:广东省外语外贸大...+阅读



下面是范文大全小编和大家分享的行政助理英文简历表格,更多内容请关注简历表格栏目。NamefwdqGenderDate of BirthLocationContact NoAddressE-mail.fwdq.Job Target

Target IndustryThe hope responds to a call for recruits profession scopeTarget jobAdmin Manager/Supervisor/Office ManagerTarget addressShanghaiTarget salary¥10,000-14,999/MonthTo hillock timeThe new post can in the long time assume the postWorking Experience

2006/10PresentXXXIndustry: Tele work Equipment

Admin Admin Officer

Responsibilities Achievements:

From Oct. 2006 till now I work in an American telemunication pany as Administration Officer and report to Asia VP. My responsibilities are as the below:

1.Office daily working: 1) Office supplies, facilities purchase and maintenance 2) Contracts, security files filing and keeping 3) Staff Policy and Administration Regulation set up and supervising 4) Business license and other official certification set up and renew 5) Supervise and guide receptionists, temp assistant, cleaning staff and drivers 6) Manage annual budget for the admin part of Shanghai office 7) Be the responsible person for office relocation and decoration 8) Events arrangement (Supplier Meeting, Board Meeting, outing, annual dinner and so on) 9) Manage and coordinate the schedule of the cars, van and shuttle service 10) Keep good relationship with the agent of the government and the official anization. 11) Visa document/interview arrangement by AMCHAM 12) Expatriate residence arrangement (visa/residence/work permit/renew) 13) Office relocation and decoration.

2.Trel arrangement 1) Arrange the trel package for VP and the managers from HQ 2) Keep good relationship with the hotels, trel agency and familiar with a lot of foreign airlines and check in policy.

3.Finance support 1) Be the first approver for all the staff reimbursement 2) Be the approver for the purchase under USD$1000 3) Annual budget for Admin team 4) Office monthly expense control and report 5) Capital asset management and report

4.Custom declaration and inventory supervising 1) Custom declaration for imported equipment 2) Manage and supervise the inventory work

5.Purchase 1) Create purchase order in SAP 2) China office purchase analysis renew in database.

6.HR 1) China office anization chart updated 2) Project hour pile/analysis 3) Direct recruiting for Admin department.

Report Directly to: Asia VPNumber of Subordinate:62004/032006/10a famous American trade panyIndustry: Trading/Import Export

Admin Administrator

Responsibilities Achievements:

From Feb. 2004 to Oct.2006 I work in a famous American trade pany as Office Administrator and report to Sr. Administration Manager. My responsibilities include the general admin working and finance support. Besides, I focused on the buying trip and global conference operation.

1.Being responsible person in Buying Trip During the Buying Trip, there will be nearly 100 buyers and vendors will visit our office from different countries, and including our president, VIPs from head office in USA. They will he the business meeting and review the orders around 3 weeks. My responsibilities include but not limited to arrange the hotel acmodation, various meals, airport pick up, domestic trel, and conference operation. I tried my best to make guarantee to every visitor a fortable and efficient trip.

2.GVS Global Vendor Summit GVS is the top conference held every year. There will be around 500 buyers and vendors attend it from different countries. I was the assistant to my boss in cooperation with the event pany, and supervise the whole operation of the summit.

Report Directly to:Sr. Admin Manager2002/062004/03Underwriter Lab Co, LtdIndustry: Instrument/Industry Automation

Admin Assistant

Responsibilities Achievements: working as admin assistant.Education/Training

1999/092002/06Shanghai International Studies UniversityEnglish Associate2008/062008/07APAC HQ officeSAP MM ModuleSAP MM Module Key User2008/012008/01APAC HQSAP MM Module2007/092007/11Pudong Training centerHR Certification(Mid Level)HR Management CertificationCertificate




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