

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[第一次月考总结作文五百字数限制]2:月考总结 这次月考,总体来说我还是比较满意. 因为我语文凡学过的我都没有错,虽然只有88分,但是在基础题没有扣1分,在我的薄弱处----课外阅读和作文,我也没有失望,因为课外阅读我...+阅读


Dear teachers and students,we are going to invite Miss/r Li to hold a report of ways of leaning English. You are required to present on time at 1:30, and listen carefully, Thank you for your cooperation!

Schoolmaster/School Headmaster



好的英语书适合我的提供下我是商务英语专业的,“展示”我们学的书吧: 《剑桥商务英语》初、中、高级,经济科学出版社。很权威的书,这是我们的教材。但应该不适合你用,这个主要是教课用的,有兴趣可以到书城...

有没有英语小故事??A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed【患难见真情的故事】 Two friends went to a forest. One was very much honest, And the other one was very bad, Daily, for their...

中式英语错误纠正9:咱俩谁跟谁!笑死我的英文书》,笔者结合生活中的实际故事,总结了最常用的中式英语表达,及地道说法。今天学习咱俩谁跟谁 咱俩谁跟谁!Who Are you ? Dialogue 意见分歧者之间的意见交换 (背景:...

关于英语作文通知的格式书面通知的英语作文格式要求: 1、通知的标志:标志一般要醒目,多用Notice作标题。 2、出通知的单位和时间:一般分别位于正文的右下角和右上角。不过,这两项有时可以省略。 3、通知...

英语通知范文怎么写分不多,也给你写一篇吧。 Notice Fellow students, May we have your attention please? We have something important to tell you.We are going to organize all students...

英语作文通知求帮助1.A strong and healthy being is the essence of learning and working effectively. A healthy person can only contribute towards society. Thus, we need to exercise...

英语作文通知两篇Notice A student concert will be held at 2:30 this Friday afternoon in Rose Music Hall. Those who want to take part in it please remember that it is not allowed...

英语作文英语写一篇通知Autumn NOTICE Participants: whole school student activities: morning, afternoon visit shenzhen visit happy valley zoo gathering time: 15 October morning at seve...

求一篇关于通知的英语作文Lost My cellphone is produced by the Nokia Corporation,and the color is black .I lost it on the playground on the afternoon of Nov.24.I'm very upset now ,for th...
