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Resume(Personnel Administrator)

Yun Zhao


8888 Taojin Road

Guangzhou 510095


Born:April 23,1970

Height:178 cm.


Birth Place:Yunnan

Marital Status:Single

Job Objective: To apple experience and education to position In personnel administration in a Sino-American Joint venture.

Experience Pertinent To Objective

From August l992 to Present Personnel Manager, Wanbao Electric Appliance Group pany. Responsibilities Include Conducting salary surveys, establishing salary ranges and progressi

on rates for each level, making job evaluation plans,questionnaires, application forms, etc., recruiting new employees, formulating and revising training Programs, initiating and implementing programs to improve and utilize potential of staff members.


From September 1990 to July 1992, Majored in Personnel Administration at Guangdong Economic Management Cadre Institute.

Special Skills:

Fluent English (reading/writing/speaking)

Experienced In operation of IBM-PC(0520)microputer.


Upon request



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