

01月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学六年级语文上册作文]“失败为成功之母。”这句话说得一点也没错。如果没有失败,是不会有成功的。 那天,老师布置了一个特殊的作业——种黄豆,然后写出黄豆的生长过程。 回到家里,我兴致勃勃地找来一...+阅读

My favorite book is Harry potter .I think it is a nice and a funny book.It is good for us teenagers.

I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have read.I have learned a lot from it.I know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and brave.So as Harry.And we should love and protect our friends.We all need friends.We all need get along well with our friends.If i have the chance to learn some magic,i'd love to be a teenager like Harry potter.Flying and do some magic tricks,that's my interest and that's the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much.


六年级上册介绍语文书作文六百字展开全部 把军事训练,进行到底。 此时,站在这尝尽酸甜苦辣的军训生活的尾巴上,夕阳投出长长的影子,我觉得自己似乎与以往有了微妙的变化。 日夜生活不再颠倒。身体上有了肤色的...


6年级上册语文书第3单元作文200字谢随时随地地跟着我们。我感谢父母、同学、老师……那一件件事都让我难以忘怀。 “今天的数学作业是……”张老师正在布置数学作业。我很快抄完了作业,把本子放进书包里,高高...

小学六年级语文上册第一单元的作文我是大自然中的一员 自然界中,雨是一抹绚烂奇丽的色彩,有蒙蒙的细雨,有狂风怒吼的暴雨,有闪电雷鸣的雷阵雨。而我是淅淅沥沥的秋雨。 调皮的我开始霏霏地飘洒,密密麻麻的洒地面上...

6年级上册语文书第3单元作文500字人间自有真情在(1) “只要人人都献出一点爱,世间将会变成美好的人间”这首《爱的奉献》我相信几乎每个人都听过,也会唱。是的,如果每个人都能以爱心待人,就会带给别人丝丝暖意;如果...

写一份英语活动延期启事Subject:"How to choose your future occupation after graduation" Time: On 20th Jun. at 7pm Place: Report Hall Remark: The original schedule of the lecture will be...

产品调价通知英语Notice on Price adjustment.Due to an increase in the price of Nickel, resulting in a squeeze in raw materials upstream, and reflecting the market trends timely,...


一篇70字左右的英语作文关于最喜欢的一本书要简单一点快点。。Gone with the wind is my favorate book. It tells a woman's life during the civil war. She is so brave to seek for love. She married three times. In the end,she...
