

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[邀请合伙人参加开业仪式英文书信形式]The hotel is located 500 meters far from the entrance of Baishan Mountain,a very convenient position to go sight seeing in the Baishan Mountain.There are two ki...+阅读

Seventeen year old Bella moves from sunny Phoenix to rainy Forks, Washington, but the new school is the least of her troubles. She soon finds herself attracted to a mysterious boy who seems to be infuriated by her mere presence. Soon, however, the truth comes out and the two become inseparable. Bella never dreamed she'd fall in love, let alone with a vampire named Edward. Throughout the novel, he fights to save her, from himself and from others. Those who will enjoy this novel most are teens and adults looking for a good fantasy and adolescent romance. This is the novel that took Harry Potter's place on the best seller's list. The world of magic and wizards may very well be replaced with the world of vampires created by Stephenie Meyer in her Twilight Saga. In this first novel of the trilogy, named after the saga, the world of vampires is introduced. I personally enjoyed the fantasy elements and the world of vampires. Meyer creates a few new ideas around the myth of the vampire that stray from the traditional. My only problem was with the pacing of the novel. I waited through the entire thing for something to happen. The first 500 pages or so is a nearly day-to-day account of Bella's teenage life, and that got a bit repetitive and boring to me. The last 50 pages, though, were intense and suspenseful. Yet when I finished reading "Twilight," I wanted to continue on to the next in the series. The end of the novel made me want to continue reading to find out what happens with the characters I came to know well in the first novel. I think fans of Young Adult novels or adolescent romances will enjoy this, particularly if they like a bit of fantasy. Meyer manages to create a fantastical world in a very real way. It's a YA novel first, and a fantasy second. If you're a fa


细节决定成败英文作文"Mount Taishan doesn't refuse thin Rang, past can become its Gao;River's sea doesn't choose small stream, past bility it deep." "Don't accumulate Huo to tread, hav...

名著读后感200字左右名著读后感200字左右范文一 我读了《西游记》这本书,非常喜欢这个故事。这个故事讲的是孙悟空,沙僧,猪八戒,保护师父唐僧去西天取经。一路上,他们打败了很多妖魔鬼怪,又战胜了种种...


书的抒情的读后感200字说到书,我很动感情。因为它给我带来温暖,我对它满怀感激。 书是我的恩师。贫穷剥夺了我童年的幸福,把我关在学校大门的外面,是书本敞开它宽厚的胸脯,接纳了我。给我以慷慨的哺育...

求3篇200300字的读后根据楼主要求,我提供以下几篇范文,楼主根据需要自己再修改吧,谢谢采纳: 1.《家》读后感:读完了《家》的最后一页,一股激流仍在心中涌动…… 我觉得书中最有魅力的东西就是矛盾。主...


读后感作文200字共8篇闪光的心灵 ——读《草房子》有感 当我走近著名作家曹文轩为我们搭的《草房子》时,我被深深地吸引住了。文中语言优美、故事情节曲折生动,那美丽的景色在我眼前荡漾,故事中的感...

读后感200字左右写一本书的我想说,《爱的教育》是我读过的最好的一本书。这本书用朴实真挚的文字讲述了一个个感人至深的故事;用生动形象的细节塑造了一个个鲜活而有特点的人物。 合上书,书中的人物一个...

暮光之城英文简评要短 100字左右谢了最佳答案检举 Twilight is the debut, young-adult vampire-romance novel[3][4] by author Stephenie Meyer. Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents,[5] but beca...
