

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一篇描写一本书的英语作文]Several of her students recently bought a mp4 to learn English, then we all compete to buy, and some even regardless of the economic conditions at home comparis...+阅读

My National Day vacation plans

National day seven days holiday let everyone very happy.

I think at the usual time, we as many students pay, every day is very busy, I hope that through the seven day National Day holiday to give yourself a chance to relax.

The students are busy every day, but I also really want to go to the place. Our country Henan Zhengzhou Luoyang City, is a famous place, many ancient kings are put thereas a center city. And what attracted me most is Luoyangstreet snacks, very delicious, so I think five days spent in Luoyang is a good choice.

Of course, the last two days can adjust the side write homework.

I think this is a perfect holiday plan!【楼主这样可以么?不可以的话我会改的!求粉嗷嗷!!】









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