

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[续签合同书面通知] 篇一:限期续签劳动合同通知书 续签劳动合同通知书 先生/女土: 你与公司签订的劳动合同将于年 月 日到期,为了更好的维护你与公司双方的合法权益,根据相关法律规定,现将有关...+阅读


A lecture course about the application of computer and internet will be given by Instructor of Microcomputer Technology of High School Grade One at 2:00pm on Jan.2nd(Friday)in the School Lecture Hall for all computer amateur.Please prepare your questions during study.

Thank you!

The Student Union,Jan.XX,2010



写一份有关即将在本校举办2011年英语夏令营活动的书面通知Notice ......be held in our school auditorium from July 29th to August 1st. It includes speeches and debates, talk about the experience of learning English, an...

写一份会议通知关于召开全省高等教育工作会议的通知 各普通高校、成人高校、高职院校: 经省委、省政府同意,定于2013年8月15日召开全省高等教育工作会议,现将有关事宜通知如下: 一丶会议地点:千...

书面通知解除合同1、经济性裁员有一套程序要走,至少有几个方面 (1)提前三十日向工会或者全体职工说明情况,并提供有关生产经营状况的资料; (二)提出裁减人员方案; (三)将裁减人员方案征求工会或者全体...

书面通知英语作文Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. We are going to visit the History Museum this Saturday. We are going to meet at the school gate at eight in t...

英语作文写一份通知NOTICE The famous Dr. Mr King who comes from the United States is going to make a speech about the American language for us at our school. Concept: 1) Differenc...

解除合同的书面通知解除合同通知的方式: 无论采取何种方式,这种方式应当满足以下条件:足以证明1、你向对方发出了通知2、发出通知的时间3、表明发出通知的主要内容。关于对方是否收到,只需依一般之...

英语晚会的书面通知Attentiion:time:October 23th,Sat,7:00pm Address: lecture Hall of the No.2 building. Content: English song, dancing ,English drama and Presentation by our Englis...

写一份举办英语晚会的通知大家好,马上到了一年一度的英语晚会的时间。定于2008年12月2号晚上6点举行,地点在学校的英语角,希望大家准时参与英语晚会 上面是我自己写的,不知道好不好 Dear student: Now th...

求商务英文高手帮忙本人急需一份员工晋升或奖励的书面通知的范文升职内容: Employee Promotion Announcement September 21, 2010 Please join me in welcoming Sarah Smith into the role of Regional Records Manager for the East Coast...
